I downloaded some of her dubs after I found her thread on yoproject's forums last month. I know a lot of people post their work on there and I was very happy to find her among them. Hitomi just updated with a ton of YT links, and a big list of songs that she's sung! There is one dub of hers that I knew I was going to mention in here right away, but when I saw that she'd listed by H!P group, I decided to pick one dub from each.
Meguru Koi no Kisetsu / I am writing about this one first, because Hitomi mentioned in her thread that she really loves how it turned out. I like this song! It's not something that I'd listen to a ton, but it's really fun and cute! She also dedicated it to her favorite C-ute member, Kanna (as you can tell if you watch the video) nhfaswfbejwhf. This freaking rocks! Hitomi totally brought on the energy and bounce! She nailed the pronunciation, delivered like a pro, and sang her heart out.
For a lot of English speakers and/or people whose first language isn't Japanese, learning how to say the R's and the 'tsu's and the double letters (etc) is something you've got to figure out. I speak from experience, lol. I'm still not the best at the 'tsu' but Hitomi has perfected it! And in this song it's key, because it pops up in the lyrics so much. Every "kisetsu" in this is spot on, and the chorus is pure win.
I love everything about this dub! The verses are awesome, I adore her "Papa mo Mama mo" at 0:39! Hitomi has such great attitude- her singing is fun to listen to because she puts emotion into it. I really like when she fully solos at 2:01, she sounds so good! She has a fantastic voice and talent to go with it. Her "All Right susunde ke" at 2:16 is super mega adorable!! It makes me seriously squeak cause she's so cute! Same with her "Wow! Sono mama mou iccho" at 2:34. Overall cute, fun and kickbutt!
Summer Night Town / I wasn't sure which Momusu dub of Hitomi's to go with at first. Mainly their 11th single and forward are picked, more so 5th Gen and on stuff. I wanted to pick something that I hadn't heard dubbed a dozen+ times. When I saw this song on the list, I clicked and loaded to check it out before deciding. I ended up going with it for one main reason.
The harmonies!! Ohmygosh, Hitomi did such an amazing job on them! You don't notice them as much in original, I think because they're quieter in volume. But in this you hear them clearly yet at the same time they aren't overpowering. The result is so lovely! It shows that Hitomi really knows how to sing- not just main melody stuff, but the other parts in a song.
Her higher notes in the harmony are really pretty, and she's fabulous on the melody-part lines as well. I love how she delivers the pre-chorus' and verses; again, her attitude is awesome. The chorus with the harmonies is beautiful!! Hitomi has a strong voice and sings with passion! I really enjoyed jamming out to this.
Ryuusei Boy / I picked this dub of Berryz because I honestly could not listen to WAO, 21ji Cinderella, or Koi no Jubaku again LOL. It was actually really hard for me to pick, cause. . . .I'm not really feeling Berryz-Hitomi OMG GASP I KNOW. I love BK to death, and this girl is all kinds of epic, but the two aren't doing it for me. Perhaps it's her song choices? Anyways, Hitomi mentioned that she thought this was 'pretty good' and I happen to agree!
The "Ryuusei BOOI"s in this are smashing!! She hits the higher "BOOI"s so flippin' well! No strain, no shakeyness- spot on and spectacular! So clear and pretty! I don't even like this song a lot and I am lovin' the chorus!! Hitomi sounds so good with herself. She can do harmonies, she can solo with no backing vocals, thus it's no surprise that she sounds incredible singing main-melody as a group; just her vocals, but 'me myself and I' to give the sound of a group.
The verses in this are very lovely, but I really love the pre-chorus'!! And the chorus'! The more times I listen to this, the happier I am that I went with this dub. It really is outstanding! I think I like Hitomi's energy the most on Meguru Koi no Kisetsu so far, but she still sings this with a whole lot of umph! And I can't say for certain, but I think she does all her own mixing. Either way, the quality of her covers is always excellent!
Akai Nikkichou / I saw 'Akai4' and went oooohhhhh~ Some of you know and some don't, but my blogging days began with H!PE, a blog I created when I was trying to learn the Momusu members and gens (eventually the other main groups too) as well as try and listen to their songs; from first single to current. I never completed because I started Blabodu. But I looked into a lot of the now-inactive groups, shuffles and other H!P etc. So I actually know who Akai4 is!!!
I again wanted to pick a song I hadn't heard a lot, this time off the 'Other H!P Groups' ~ I've never heard a dub of this song (probably not anything Akai4), I like it so I went with it. I know I've said it before, but I can say it a million times and it'll be true each time- Hitomi has a gorgeous voice. She sounds so so so pretty on this song. I adore her on the simple but lovely melodies. I give her props & cheers for song choice and for doing her best! There are those high notes right before the chorus, and she tackled them well!
I treasure this cover for it's rarely-picked song, it's sort of special to me. Makes me think of my early-H!P days and the memories I'll have forever because of dubbing & blogging. Hitomi's speaking part in the beginning is sweet, and the verses are beautiful. I love the echo effect she used on them. I like hearing her sing with herself, like in Ryuusei Boy, but I also really like solo covers like this. Where you hear just her (one time over only, lol) and the music. So worth a listen.
Okitegami / I almost forgot that there was a video for this. It's not listed in her thread, but it's hosted by Totally Up! Project, because that's what she did the solo for. I've been listening to this one for days now!! Exquisite. That's what this is.
I'm starting to think Hitomi can sing just about anything, but this song really suits her. Magnifcent. Marvelous. Mind-blowing. She's mellifluous to the max! I can't even think of what to say. I love every second of this. Brilliant. Breathtaking. I'll just leave it at that. But y'all should definitely check out some of the dubs / covers that this splendid skilled singer puts out.
Wow, you are completely and utterly RIDICULOUS, y'know that?! I swore you were going to write a tiny little blurb about one of my songs. Then I see you've gone and written a freaking biography about almost my entire dubbing career! You are the most amazing person ever, I hope you realize that. Thank you sooooo much for featuring my dubs and I on your blog, I really appreciate it! Hitomi loves j00 for life <3