I've been doing a lot of it lately as a way of trying to get to know more about projects and have better contact with them. I am going to try to get around to everyone, but if you'd like to beat me in PMing you, you can PM me if you're interested in being interviewed! I talked to Saya, leader of Kirei na Project. (Again, I bolded the main questions amidst my talking)

Awesome!! I agree that there are SO many that are overlooked in favor of popular A-sides from main groups. Whose idea was it for Kireina to run this way? Was the project planned this way from the start, or were ideas thrown around a bit beforehand?
SAYA: Well, actually this project started on my personal account and was just meant to dub Buono!, Athena & Robikerottsu, and Guardians 4, but then I started thinking I wanted to dub groups such as Tanpopo or Mini Moni as well because no one ever does their songs!
So once I made the official project account, then I decided that this project should aim to do the other under-dubbed songs as well from all the H!P groups. I also want to do AKB side groups and other Japanese artist's such as Tokyo Girl's Style or Idoling!!! too!
AYA: There are so many under-dubbed songs out there and all of us H!P fans have our favorites -popular and non- Do you take requests from your members? And because the songs you pick aren't always A-sides, do you have trouble finding good intrumentals / video footage to work with?
SAYA: I have the eggs vote on which singles they want to do now, but with the other groups I usually just pick a song that goes with the season, or that I think everyone will sound good in. I haven't really gotten requests to do songs, or at least that I remember!
It is hard to find video footage for older songs, but most songs have a concert version so I just rip them off YT. Oh, I get so impatient with making instrumentals sometimes, but I've gotten better at it since I first started, so it's getting easier.
AYA: Aloha! ~Summer~ 2010! That is your on-going super mini 5-part concert, of which three tracks have been released. And it's your first concert! How has that been going for y'all? I love the C-ute concert you've been dubbing!! I don't really know any of the songs, so it was new & fun for me to listen to them. Have you thought about doing a winter or spring concert as well?
SAYA: Thanks! I've been really bad about mixing lately because of school, so I have to get those last two tracks mixed soon! I plan to have a full winter concert with 15 or so tracks in November-January with a mix of songs from all the current H!P artists.
AYA: School, the enemy of time! It's been keeping a lot of dubbers busy lately. Has it caused any lasting changes in KnP? I think I counted 18 members making up the current 3 Generations. Auditions and graduations are happening a lot lately- do you think Kireina will be doing either anytime soon?
SAYA: Darn school XP Well, over the summer 1 girl graduated due to work, but all the other recent graduations we have had are mostly due to inactivity, and I had to take them out of the project. I don't plan to hold auditions anytime soon, but if enough people graduate (around 3-5) then that is when I will hold auditions again.
AYA: Y'all recently hit the 100 subscriber milestone; congrats!! I think I've asked all I can come up with at the moment. Is there anything that you'd like to add or any questions you have for me?
SAYA: Hmmm.....I can't think of any at the moment. Thanks for asking me to do this interview! Oh, if you haven't seen the egg single yet, it just got removed from YT, so I'll have to re-upload it unlisted. Here's a link to the mp3.

Kirei na has definitely lived up to be exactly what they are described as on their profile! There are some more popular releases found under their 'Uploads' section- such as Bravo Bravo + a few other Buono A-sides, and the most recent dub of ONLY YOU by subunit Ajisai. But as I look through the song titles I don't know many of them, and a good deal of them aren't dubbed very often.
Take for example the two videos above; Passion E-CHA E-CHA is an adorable Berryz song!! I love that Maiha was still around for it, and I always thought Saki was especially cute in it. The BK girls have a lot of really good B-sides from their early days, so I am always really happy when I see them picked for dubs. Yay Shiawase Clover!
And lately I've become even more in love with Ice Creamusume. I think Mandarin is a gorgeous language, and hearing it sung makes me ridiculously happy. I remembered when KnP's dub of Debut!~Koi Suru Kado ni wa Fuku Kitaru came out, so I went back and listened; it's really cute!
They've dubbed a lot by Minimoni, and all four of Athena & Robikerottsu's songs; I really like their cover of Yuugure☆Sherbert! And as I mentioned in the interview, Kirei na's current concert has thus far been stuff originally by C-ute. I'd never heard any of the songs before (at least I think not) and the concert that the project chose to do seems to be small, less-known, less-dubbed but totally fun!
KnP has made sure not to forget other H!P groups and have sung at least one song by Tanpopo, Momusu, ZYX, v-u-den, Berryz, and Guardians4 ~ plus a few girls have had solos released including the songs; Koi Hanabi, Hajimete no Keiken, Seishun Song, The Bigaku, and Dokkidoki! LOVE Mail. OH I've been going through listening to some dubs, and I think Kirei na's dub of Momoiro no Kataomoi is adorable!

Taking part in Renna of HPAS'
2010 Natsu Interdubbing Medley Concert
K i r e i n a P r o j e c t ' s
2006 Summer ~ Wonderful Hearts Land~
Saya (animefreakXDD), Juri (Juwibean)
Kimiko (KimiOkami), Mieko (HappyJunjou)
Reika (candyraver009), Rii (AzNxRawRx)
Ami (amiswami2), Lily (therealallisons)
Taking part in Renna of HPAS'
2010 Natsu Interdubbing Medley Concert
K i r e i n a P r o j e c t ' s
2006 Summer ~ Wonderful Hearts Land~
Saya (animefreakXDD), Juri (Juwibean)
Kimiko (KimiOkami), Mieko (HappyJunjou)
Reika (candyraver009), Rii (AzNxRawRx)
Ami (amiswami2), Lily (therealallisons)
"I've never realized how Piriri and Sukiyaki were so similar, and I guess Tsunku didn't until at some point he noticed he could put them into the same medley" ~ Renna's right, they are pretty similar! It's about time I got around to one of these, geesh.
Sukiyaki / CUTE CUTE CUTE!! Ohmygoodness, this is so incredibly kawaii! I've heard this song maybe once before and though I don't love it or anything, these girls sound freaking adorable while singing it! I love the "MADA KA MADA KA AIYA IYA IYA IYA" etc parts inbetween the lines in the verses!!
The solos are wonderful, well delivered, clear and cute throughout the dub! They're by Reika (0:31), Mieko (0:37), Rii (0:44), Saya (1:14), and Juri (1:20). Yumi is in the CClyrics but not the dub, so I'm assuming she couldn't participate. The smaller groups that sing together at 0:57 and 1:40 are fabulous- I really like the singers on the melody there.
And then after some great "Ya sou sou Na DJ Ya sou sou Na DJ"s we have. . .
Piriri to Yukou / I love how the duets in the verse turned out!! The girls blend smashingly in this whole dub and you can really hear it in both songs, but I think the duets totally catch your attention in this. Kimiko, Lily and Ami don't have any solos, but they sing in many of the various smaller group parts and contribute to the overall sound on the full-cast lines.
The pre-chorus sounds utterly fantastic!! And the chorus is so fun & AW worthy! It makes me smile and feel giddy and wanna dance! The melody is so freaking catchy and this group of gals is terrific on it! I really like that this song was part of the medley, I bet Kirei na had a blast singing it. The overall energy on both songs is awesome!!
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