I really liked the interview I did with Chiyo about Kirameki over MSN. It flowed a lot better because we were talking back and forth. When PMing I ask all the questions at once and wait for a reply. When I was coding this one with Angeru, I kept thinking of things I would have said in reply to something she said- just in conversation.
If anyone is interested in a MSN or Skype interview, let me know!!

AYA: Alright! First off, what does Kisetsu mean? Choosing a name for something you know is going to be important to you can be difficult. Lol, it took me a while to decide on Blabodu as a blog title, and it was actually really random. Is there a particular reason you chose Kisetsu as your name?
ANGERU: Kisetsu means 'Season' in Japanese. I chose the name because if I was going to make 4 groups, I'm going to name them after the 4 seasons; spring, summer, autumn and winter. Haru-Cute (Spring), Natsu Musume (Summer) Aki Koubou (Autumn) Fuyu Shuffle (Winter). I never named P/ercent after a season because I made the group after Natsu Musume's 2nd Generation auditions closed.
AYA: Where did the idea to make your own project come from? Just a random thought? Something you'd always wanted to do? A friend's idea? Inspiration? Did it take some consideration, or was it a; Let's DO IT, kind of thing?
ANGERU: I got the idea of doing a project back in 2008. My first ever project was Moonlight Musume and after a few months of inactiveness, I closed the project down.I made about 2 projects after Moonlight Musume (which we're called Kanashimi Musume & SuperStar Project) but they flopped because of the inactiveness.
In Summer 2009, I decided to do another project and give myself one final chance to do one. All through that Summer, I planned it all out, what the groups were gonna be called and I officially opened auditions 2 months after. Totally up! Project inspired me to do a project group and if it wasn't for Purply for getting me into dubbing then I wouldn't be where I am today.
AYA: Your YT account was created on Nov 1st (and thus the project too), but the debut wasn't until exactly a month later, in December. Were there any setbacks that caused this, or was it planned that way?
ANGERU: I wanted everyone to get used to this project first before doing a debut by chatting on the off-topic thread on the forum to kind of introduce ourselves and make the members feel like home. I planned for all the groups debut singles to be in December. I also wanted everyone to learn about the guidelines about how to record. I was looking for audio mixers, graphic makers and PV mixers just in case I was busy with my private life.
AYA: Y'all chose Nanchatte Renai as Kisetsu's official debut, sung by Natsu Musume. They are the most active group within the project, and currently auditions for it's 3rd Gen are open!
ANGERU: Yes we are a very active group in the project! We are the flag group of the whole project! We're already planning our 6th single before the 3rd Gen come in. The 6th single will be Loving You Forever from Morning Musume's 10th Album and the B-side will be Aruiteru.
I wanted us to do these 2 songs because our past releases have been fast tempo songs and I thought it'd be a change for our group to do 2 slow songs for a change. We're looking for 2-3 people to come into Natsu Musume so for all the people who read this, don't be afraid and audition now!
AYA: So from the looks of things, generations and auditions are seperate for the different groups. Some projects have overall generations and then divide members into groups. But you're running things more H!P like. Any reason why? Do you find it easy to do it this way?
ANGERU: I find it easier to do things the H!P way. I don't know why, I just find it easier than doing things a different way. That was how I did it with my past projects.
AYA: And speaking of, Kisetsu will arrive at their 1st anniversary in just a few months- are there any specials plans for the event? Perhaps a full-cast dub in celebration? What would you say is something that has changed (and/or improved) the most since last year?
ANGERU: Well we are planning a special single to celebrate our first single. We're going to sing 3 songs for this single. We'll be doing ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ONE, Ame no Furanai & the Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou & C-ute medley from the Mobekimasu concert. We have been closer as a family, we chat to each other outside the project, and we have really improved since last year.
AYA: A few things have been popular in the dubbing community lately; Concerts, Auditions, School, and Graduations. You're already holding auditions, but have you considered a concert? School has slowed down many projects and dubbers, even resulting in hiatus' and graduations? What impact has it had on Kisetsu?
ANGERU: We did have a summer concert planned but by the time I did the color-coding this past September, I decided to cancel it because everyone would be back at school and I didn't want to bug them much. I don't want to be the kind of leader that bugs people for lines and such. I do it once in a while but not that often. We did also plan for a mini Christmas and Valentine's concert but I cancelled them too.
AYA: What would you say is the goal of your project; Are you set on making progress as a group, or is your main goal to just have fun? Somewhere inbetween?
ANGERU: I want the project to become a well-known project in the dubbing world. We're trying our best to become a really great project and it is still in the process to becoming a great project. Also it is to make the project a more fun place to be.
AYA: If you could pick any one of the releases thus far, which would you say you had a lot of fun with? For whatever reason, no favoritism. Is there any really fun memory, or something totally LOL that happened that you'd like to share?
ANGERU: I had a lot of fun recording Dou ni Mo Tomaranai (B-Side to our 3rd Single ROMANCE). I was recording my part and then suddenly I realised that I forgot to plug my microphone in properly -_- It was a LOL moment but the worst part was recording it all over again!
AYA: Not really a question, but- I don't see any forums or link listed on your profile, but I googled your project (I love google, lol) and discovered the K!P blog and from there the forums! Y'all should advertise your blog a little more!! You have 'Member of the Week' & 'Pocket Kisetsu' and general release info, plus twitter updates! Interesting stuff!
ANGERU: We have a forum. People can come in and play the games with the K!P members if they want ^_^ I'm thinking of promoting our blog a little bit more by the time of our 1 year anniversary. I might start putting the link under the description box from now on XD
AYA: I think I've asked all I've wanted to for the moment. Do you have anything you'd like to add? Any more info or news, etc? Any questions for me?
ANGERU: I just want everyone to subscribe to our YouTube channel. We've got 60 subscribers and I would really love it if all of you who read this can subscribe to our channel and we can soon have 100 subscribers. Also we'll be adding shuffle groups and we'll be doing songs from groups such as MiniMoni, High King, Buono, etc etc You get my drift, so stay tuned everyone!
Thanks so much for interviewing me <3 It was really nice of you to as me ^_^v