Sometimes I'm saddened by the number of views solos get. Popular soloists get good numbers, but these are such good dubs and they deserve to be listened to!! So please, if anything catches your attention, check it out on YT, give it a listen. You don't have to comment, just a thumbs up if you like it is nice. Anyways, onward! (LOL, I don't always do it on the weekend, but I'm too lazy to make a new banner).

*BakaPai ~ Destiny Love / So pretty! Geesh Pai sounds brilliant. She has such a clear, lovely sound and I like her on this song a lot! It's not a very long dub, but every moment of it is beautiful. This is soooo good!! One could easily think that they're listening to a professional recording. Words fail me. But this is totally worth a listen. Love love love.
*animezirow ~ Dream Fighter / Sherry's voice is so lovely. I really enjoy listening to her. And this is what she calls a 'justforfun' dub!! She's utterly wonderful. I played this through at least 2-3 times, simply soaking in the sweet sound of her singing. This is a good song for her, I really like the little bits of autotune, and even though the genre is like, jtrance or something, I find this very relaxing.
*Luinestel23 ~ Nakidasu Kamoshirenaiyo Fandub / Ohh this song; Kairi is tremendous on it! I especially like her on the chorus, but the whole dub is terrific! I love her voice and the emotion she sings with. Some of her higher notes are a little iffy, but when a cover is this lovely it's easy to overlook the small things in favor of enjoying the overall listen. Kairi has the right...vocal attitude? lol, I mean to say that she suits this song well. She sounds cool+smexy, and I think her mature sound works well for this kind of tune.
*frauleintrucy ~ One x Time / Wow, Minuki's breathtaking. She has such a rich+pretty voice and I think she really shines in this dub. At first I wasn't sure about the song, cause slowerish ones can be tricky sometimes, but Minuki managed it wonderfully. I can't decide which part I like the most- I love her voice on the melody of the verses, but the chorus (with the harmony part) is fantastic! Overall I really really like this. She says "This is my pride and joy" and justly so, because this is exquisite.
*Pixienyan ~ Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai / OMG fabulous! Miri sounds confindent and beautiful. Out of the Momusu members I think she suits Ai/Reina the most, but that doesn't really matter; this solo is pure her. She has oodles of emotion and every line from her lips is incredible. She doesn't sing the whole song (I wondered why it was over so fast, lol), but what we do hear rocks! Raburabu!!
*LovablexKarupin ~ Toeto / I had to turn my comp volume up when listening to this, maybe it's just quiet? KARU! Her name should be in thesauruses with cute (among other things) listed as a synonym. Cause this girl is super sweet+kawaii! I don't know this song, but it has a simple pretty melody that Karu sounds completely darling on. As she said herself, "this song is damn adorable." And she is too.
*BelovedStar18 ~ Black Diamond / kjfnewfnje! Mygoodness this is magnificent. Chyree dazzles me with her covers every time. I dig her vibrato and her low notes are so lovely. The chorus of this is gorgeous! I don't think she butchered the Japanese at all (which she briefly commented on), but I'm no expert. I just let my ears do the listening, then say what I think. I like what I like. And this dub is freaking excellent!!
*animeobsessed40 ~ Koi no Jubaku / ohmygosh, happy belated anniversary Peachii! I can't say that I've listened to her a ton, but I hear her often enough in group dubs & I think she has improved. She seems to be delevoping a more mature sound, but a cute edge remains- I like! Her pronunciation isn't always the clearest, but it has indeed gotten better. She sings at a good volume in this and though her energy isn't the HELLO type, she sings with nice emotion. I like her on the pre-chorus the most, chorus second most.
*SweetPoffin ~ World is Mine / FRICK do I love Elsie. This is insanely killer awesome!! She's mind-blowingly talented, and this dub is a perfect example of how she dominates just about any song with her amazing vocals. I know hardly anything about vocaloid music, but I LOVE this and I am most certainly not the only one.
Elsie's louder/higher notes are sensational; the amount of emotion and 'obnoxious bloody brat' attitude she put into this is so win! I don't think I've ever heard her sound so candy-like; it's different but totally fun & lovable. I love her strong and professional sound. I'm happy that she shares her singing with us all.
*AzNxRawRx ~ Osaka Koi no Uta / D'aw, Rii's so sweet sounding on the beginning speaking part. She's endearing overall really. Though her vocals sound a bit...faint? Not exactly muffled, but like she's standing at the other end of a room and singing. Due to mic or mixing? Or it could just be me, lol. Her pitching is a tad iffy at times and she had a few lyric tripups, but she sings with adorable emotion and sounds splendid! I like her on all parts of the song, but I think my fave is the chorus.
*hitsugayahinamori ~ Wanna / Uwaaah I love this song! Allll vocals are by Michimiru and I think she did a smashing job! This girl denies that she's cute at least once a day. Well she's crazy, cause she's totally cute & cool! I truly enjoy her dubs, and if your reading this Michibabe, stuff it and accept my compliments! ilu. This is a marvelous dub that's hip and ear-pleasing. I love the "Oh oh oh" and etc parts. And the chorus, mhmm!
*omgspazattack ~ Ai no Tane / Yay! Risa and I share a love of this song!! It was Momusu's first and I think it's among their best. I know many groups dislike dubbing early Momusu songs because of all the harmonies, but I think they're beautiful; like in this song & Morning Coffee. And even though MM has gone through so many girls, the starting five were all really good singers who I think are often forgotten or underappreciated.
So to the point; yay for song choice! I'm most used to hearing Risa in alo!kira and I've always liked her mature voice. In this she hits oodles of pretty notes and sounds enchanting. She has a lovely vibrato when she uses it, and though she's pitchy a few times, she has a nice range. Risa expressed sort of hot/cold feelings about this dub, but I happen to like it quite a lot. Keep on singing!
*only201miles ~ My Jojo / Leilani has such a soulful sound! I could listen to her every single day and never tire of hearing her smooth voice! Her vocalizing in the beginning isn't my favorite, but the rest is awesome!! Her dubs are always full of feeling, she puts herself into her singing- which is something I love. Gah this isn't long enough for me, I want more more. So lovely+fabulous.
*chocolateblakberri ~ Fallin' / The second I saw that Aoi (Pooh-chii / Choco) sang this song I was like OMFG and knew it was going to be AWESOME. And guess what? IT IS!! *o* She's so talented and unique & downright spectacular! I can't even say how much I adore her singing. This dub oozes sexiness. LOL, Tomomo worded it perfectly in her comment! "this is like the gospel ghetto side to the kawaii voice" hah, so right. Aoi says she did the harmonies randomly, and I think they turned out superbly! Epic.
*luvsasuke ~ No Logic / The repetitiveness of the guitar part and the verses started to annoy me pretty quick, but Chii is totally kickbutt! She's so cute! with some underlying matureness. It's a mix that's very ear-pleasing. Her energy level is pretty good, sometimes I want for a little more, but not majorly. I like how she sounds on the verses more so than the chorus & overall she's delightful.
*Rasubelly ~ Take It Easy / I really like this song. It's not a super mega favorite, but it's cute and catchy. Belly belly belly! It feels like too long since I last listened to her. I love that each of the Buono girls sing a different melody before the chorus- they're lovely melodies and Belly sounds fantastic on all of them!! Her high notes are swell! I think I like her on the verses/pre-chorus (whatever they're specified as) more so than the chorus.
Belly asked a few questions in her description and here are my thoughts; Yes I like this dub, it's wonderful! She sounds the most like Miyabi to me, Airi second most. The only thing that could use a bit of improvement is that she's a bit pitchy now and then. As for what I'd like to hear from her, hmm. She's good on Buono songs, but I'd like something else from her. Maybe something by C-ute?
To Be Continued...
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