Fun story of the day: We babysit my sister's best friend's six-yr-old daughter a lot, my parents are her god-parents, so she's my god-sister for easier termage. She came over while I was writing the ChiiAyu entry on Blabodu and wanted to know what I was doing. So I shared an ear bud with her and we listened/watched Ayuchan's whole Eyes on Me dub together. She agreed with me that it's very pretty.
Next thing I knew she was sitting on my lap and we were watching the Reina, Maimi, Megumi, Momoko concert video I have of Suki Sugite Baka Mitai......You can read the rest of my rambling here. But long story short; I had fun sharing the epicness that is H!P with a sweet little girl.
Seishun Collection by XangelfirebabeX / Waaaah, I didn't know that Angeru had dedicated a dub to me!! That's incredibly sweet of her ;w; I'm glad she told me about it in the shoutbox, or else I don't know if I would have run across it. I'll explain some info on me in this entry, but first; the dub! LOL I find it somewhat amusing that Angeru dedicated this song to me, because I don't like it. But! It is most certainly the thought that counts. This is wonderful!!
She's somewhat pitchy now and then, but overall she sounds terrific. For all that I don't like this song, it's melodies suit Angeru! I like her the most on the verses; she starts the dub off nicely, and the second verse is just as marvelous as the first. The chorus is swell, but there's a bit of strain on the higherish notes. I think she's stronger on the verses. Though I really like the little chorus-piece with less music at 3:41. Song choice aside, this is lovely. Angeru delivers with a good amount of emotion, and regardless of her pitchiness, I truly enjoyed listening.
Dubbing isn't about being perfect; we're humans not robots. There are always going to be some things that we think could be better or use improvement, but it's those things that are part of what makes dubbing what it is- a bunch of people singing, working hard but above all having fun. Whatever is learned in the process is just cherries on top, and if you want to go further than dubbing, beyond the clouds and try to reach for the stars; DO IT!

SO! The image above lists my active YT accounts. MiriuOniaya is my main. Blabodu is where I sub to projects and groups, because it's an easy way to keep track of them all. BlaboduNP is the account I made once I started dedicating BTW entries to solos. The NP simply stands for 'non project' and it's where I subscribe to dubber's main accounts, to help me when I blog about solos.
If I'm not subbed to you there, unless you request that I check out your solo, I might not know about it. And it's not just solos; when I see duets or other non-project dubs on someone's account I often give'em a listen. So I would like to take this time to say; shoot me a message or add the account as a friend and I'll sub you. It's not nesscessary, but if you're interested in me keeping an eye out for your dubs it's easier on me.
Arigatou ~Ookiku Kansha! LOL, no really. Thanks y'all!
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