Tuesday, August 17, 2010


MottoImouto Summer Shuffle 2010! Part One

Omg I was like 'la la la *video loading, type type*' and then played it and heard "OWATTA KOI DAKE GA TANE NI NARU" and just like that I was instantly excited!! I LOVE this song, and I completely adore no3b / No Sleeves! Well, Haruna isn't my favorite, but Takamina rocks and Miichan is so cute! I've only heard maybe two dubs of this song, so I'm happy to see it as a song choice!

Boo-chan, Boss, Nozo

Tane by MO3 / Boss has the first solo, and an awesome one it is! I love the melodies in this song, so upbeat, cute and catchy! Boo (0:10) and Nozo (0:11ish) each have a little solo in the beginning as well, but they're too short to say much about, though they do give you a preview of the girls' voices.

Freaking geesh, I am so loving this cast! The next set of solos -starting at 0:28- are all fabulous! Boss is very lovely, Boo super pretty, and Nozo's marvelous mature sound may not suit Miichan's part but it sure suits my ears just fine!! I really like the "HAATO no" at 0:45, which sounds like it's sung by all three together.

Since it didn't show names during the speaking part, I didn't want to assume that the girls had done those parts, but the moment I listened to them I was sure that they had. While Boo could probably pass as Takamina, Boss and Nozo sound different than the original singers; though I have no complaints about that. I like hearing dubbers as themselves, in whatever role they're casted as! All of the talking (starting at 0:50) sounds wonderful and quite endearing.

I love the chorus melody in this song!! The first full time through is at 1:02, and these girls make an awesome trio; they blend spectacularly! After that the girls take turns soloing; I don't think any of them are my favorite- they all are! Each of them does a smashing job on their lines and their overall energy level is terrific!

Boo's (1:07) vocals are impressive! She's incredibly lovely+sweet and I love listening to her. Nozo (1:13ish) is irresistible! She blows my mind a little with her mellow (smooth, rich, mature) sound! I really like that no3b got good line division in this song! Boss has 10 solos (6 average, 4 short), Nozo has 11 (6 average, 5 short), and Boo has 7 but only one of them is short. I love that you get a good chance to hear all of them because of this!

The group "sayu yo" at 1:21 is great ! Right after that it's back to Boss on the second verse, she's so gooood! I adore her "wasurete" and "wasurerarenai" but her solo in entirety is sensational! She's followed by Boo, who always sings with emotion and wins your affection in a heartbeat with her enchanting singing. I like Nozo's "kimochi mo" in her 1:36 solo, though I think she shines more on the chorus. All of the girls deliver splendidly!!

1:47 is more epic speaking lines, sort of an unsung pre-chorus. Well if you include the fantastic group "egao wo misete yo" then it's partially sung. However you think of it, there's more brilliant chorus at 1:59! The amazingness of this cast together makes me wish that this song was more of a balance between solos and group, rather than so many solos. But regardless I still adore the song and this dub! Solos in the second chorus are; Boo (2:04), Nono (2:10, 2:16ish), Boss (2:15).

After the little instrumental break it's Boss at 2:36, golly she sounds dazzlingly delightful! I've always liked the parts in songs right after the break when there is usually less music; cause you really hear the singers. Following is Boo (2:41) and then Nozo (2:47), both of them outstanding!! 2:59ish is the last round of chorus, and it's as awesome as all the rest, especially the ending "sayu yo" ~

Though I must say that echo noise reminds me of the sound you'd hear in a Super Nintendo version of Mario, lol. Random. Anyways! I really immensely enjoyed this!! I strongly suggest y'all give it a listen, cause it's so worth it.

Nikki, Nichan, Nozo

GuruGuru JUMP! by Furushafuru / Those outfits are anything but SEKUSHII, poor Momusu girls. Are those a bunch of mini hats sewed on a fluffy dress or something? Anyways, I've heard this song maybe once before, and while it's not a mega favorite it is pretty cool. Nozo I am now familiar, because of her part in the first song. As far as I know, I am new to Nikki and Nichan. So let's get to knowing them, at least vocally.

3:50 is Nozo on the opening solo, short but terrific! Nichan follows and I totally love her energy!! Nikki at 3:56, she has more of a subtle energy, and she's sometimes quietish but she sounds swell. Ohmygosh, I really like the pre-chorus of this song and Nichan does an kickbutt job on it, like at 4:12- I love her "nee"s! She sings strongly and is fantastic! No/Nik duet at 4:15 and they're marvelous.

I like the group "OH DAARIN" at 4:27ish right after the fun "JA JA JUMP" etc parts. The chorus of this song is actually pretty cool too; I like the melody and the upbeatness. I like Nikki way more on it than the verses, such as her "mottox3 GURUGURU" at 4:29. I also like Nichan's "dattex3 GURUGURU" a lot - both girls are cute. 4:39ish is Nik/Nic, who sound incredible together!! They blend so well! I like their "ENJERU-tachi ga"

The verses are kind of boring for me overall. Song wise, and thus dub wise, but it's not the girls, it's the melody. Certain parts of the second verse are cute or catch my attention. They are Nichan's "GENKI no nage KISSU" at 5:15, Nikki's "desho" at 5:20, and Nozo's "Hara ga hette wa Iroke mo hangenssu"at 5:25. And then it's more epic pre-chorus, with those "nee nee" parts by Nichan! And I like the No/Nik duet more this time around (5:31), as well as their "KAMON"!

The melody of the first two lines in the chorus is my fave part of the chorus. I'm happy that they weren't always by the same girl(s)! Nozo has the "mottox3 GURUGURU" and Nikki the "dattex3 GURUGURU" ~ I love both solos!! I also like the duet at 5:56, which is by No/Nik this time; they sound magnificent! The "JAN JA JUMP" (6:21) parts that repeat over and over, building up with each round are fabulous!

In the 6:31ish chorus, Nichan has the first solo followed by Nozo. Then the last two solos are by Nikki- her "you da wa" is pretty. It's actually my least favorite round of the chorus; the other ones sound more energetic than this one does. But it's all great overall! The group "HAATO wo itomete yo" at 6:53 is wonderful! I have to say that I adore the pre-chorus' and the first half of the chorus' the most in this dub, but the girls did a smashing job on all parts!


  1. This is also my favorite song. I also enjoyed very much while listening songs. This solo was very enjoyable.

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