MS has put out over 100 dubs since their start, and they're good dubs. Almost half of their total are from the three concerts they've released; two winter and one summer. 2009 Summer Wonderland: THE CELEBRATION (May, 17 tracks), 2008 Winter Wonderland: Todoke! Fuyu no Koe (Dec, 19 tracks), and most recently;
Winter Wonderland 2009 Concert:
Kira Kira Shining Star Part
Kira Kira Shining Star Part
Shiroi Tokyo * [1/17] ~ Ohemgee, the blending is EPIC!! I want to make love to the group parts, and the solos are smashing! I'm going to keep this short and sweet, but I figured I'd toss up the video for the opening of this concert for y'all. I don't know about the concert as a whole (cause I haven't listened to all of it), but going by this beginning, it's definitely worth a listen!!
Now, as for the rest of the concert ~ I just added a space every four tracks so it wouldn't be one long list, all grouped together. Easier on the eyes. And as for the little *'s - they seem to be the more favored tracks (based on views, thumbs up, etc). Not necessarily the best tracks though. In order to form your own opinion, you'll just have to have a listen for yourself;
[2] JUMP!
[3] Dokusenyoku *
[4] Inshouha Renoir no You ni
[5] Guru Guru JUMP!
[6] Ikimasshoi! *
[7] Chokotto LOVE
[8] SHINING Itoshiki Anata
[9] EVERYDAY YEAH! Kataomoi
[11] Tsuugaku Vector ☂ *
[12] YEAH! Meccha Holiday
[13] Sugao FLAVOR
[14] Special Generation
[15] Mirakururun Grand Purin!
[16] Shock Me vs. Devil or Angel
[17] I Wish *
And now for the more recent stuff!
Solo (In order of hearance):
Michi [EGGs] (Suzuki Airi)
Valentine [MS Gen.5] (Tanaka Reina)
Mari [EGGs] (Natsuyaki Miyabi)
First Kiss (EGGs Promo!) / Frick this is AWESOME!! Yes yes, I've heard this song dubbed so much I'm surprised I'm not singing it in my sleep. But this is one spectacular dub!!! I keep wanting to listen to it again. It's addicting. The girls sound so so so SO good! I adore all of their solos as well as when they sing together. The blending is spot on, and the overall delivery is terrific! I'm considering asking for the MP3.
Solo (In order of hearance):
Mitsuki, Mari, Michi,
Molly, Yume, Bunbun
21ji made no Cinderella (KyanDiz) / D'AW KAWAII! I've always liked this song, I can't help it. It's just so bubbly, fun, upbeat and cute. I was singing along and stuff, lol. Sugarfritters, these are all eggs?!? You'd never guess! Everyone sings at a good volume and with fabulous energy, on their solos and the smaller group parts!! All of the trios and duets are fantastic! And not to mention the cuteness! Some are cute+sweet and others more cute+lovely, but they're all wonderful! This is a very promising batch of eggs!!!
Valentine (Abe Natsumi)
Sakura (Iida Kaori)
Nai-chan (Kago Ai)
Rika (Mari & Ogawa)
Celia (Yoshizawa Hitomi)
Hinaki (Tsuji Nozomi)
Maya (Yasuda Kei)
Aura (Ishikawa Rika)
Spicy (Takahashi Ai)
Miya-chan (Konno Asami)
Anna (Niigaki Risa)
Hey! Mirai (MilkyStar) / UWAH, the dogs are adorable!! I'm not super familiar with the song, but I know I've heard it at least once. I have to say Aura stood out to me a little, firstly cause her part has a good number of lines and secondly cause she's pure sweetkawaii. But! every single one of these charming ladies sound magnificent!! The main melody and lyrics gets a little repetitive towards the second half of the song, but it's not that bad. And the dub itself is excellent.
Celia (Takahashi Ai)
Hinaki (Tanaka Reina)
Maya (Niigaki Risa)
Miri (Fujimoto Miki)
Shanimuni Paradise (VENUS) / MP3! Oh, I love how it starts right away! And what a fabulous beginning! I adore concert versions, though I'm new to this song. Celia's strong, mature, lovely voice is drool-worthy, and she delivers awesomely. Hinaki is totally cute+kawaii and I love her pep. Maya has a pretty sound with a cute edge; she had nice energy too but I'd like a little bit more from her. Miri's singing is adorably gorgeous- I know she's not on the stage, but she's got...vocal stage presence? lol. It's like she's up there for real. I LOVE this! "In this single, VENUS members showed off their cute traits." OH YES!
Celia (Yoshizawa Hitomi)
Tomo (Konno Asami)
Molly (Mano Erina)
Zoey (Ishikawa Rika)
Manon (Satoda Mai)
Yume (Noto Arisa)
Mari (Sengoku Minami)
Hikki (Sawada Yuri)
Narihajimeta Koi no Bell (Ongaku Stars) / OMG this is brilliant!!! ksfjnwejkf kfjnwefjkn. I don't even know what to say. MP3! I'm downloading it now, after tracking down the link in MS' forums. I wish it was in the drop-down section, but I'm just happy there's a dl link at all. So since it's not there, I provided it for you lovely people, in case you decide you want to keep this amazing dub.
Another thing about MS; their castlists confuse me. They say solos are in 'order of hearance' but then they go and list H!P girls. So....are their dubs casted or scripted? Or are they casted and then the names simply listed in the order their solos appear the first time around? Cause I've always been mixed up about it. From the sounds of things this dub is casted.
It is helpful -for those unfamiliar with the original singers- to have it listed in order, so a name can be matched to a face in the video. But when I see 'order of hearance' I think it's going to be the same order as listed throughout the entire dub. I guess that's why I get confused. Anyways!! Enough ramblings, lol.
There are way too many KICKBUTT things about this dub for me to mention them all. So so so many super sounding solos, and anytime more than one person sang at once it turned out awesomely; blendingraburabu! Molly's "my soul" at 1:00 caught my attention, I love it. All of the little extra sounds (like the ah's) are cool and the chorus is MADE OF WIN!! I'm getting a little sleepy, so sorry if I fail at expressiong verbally how much this rocks!
WOW, this entry really reminded me how amazing of a project Milky Star is. Their dubs are so good!! Y'all need to check them out if you haven't yet. Seriously.
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