Miyabi, Yurina: Lucy (CherryXJuice)
Risako, Momoko: Lizzie (Liz9419)
Nanchuu Koi wo Yatteruu YOU KNOW? by XxChiPanxX / Anyone who knows me fairly well, probably knows that I ADORE this song. Berryz is my favorite group, and I love a lot of their songs. But this is one of the songs I listened to and loved early on. I actually much prefer the live concert versions, with the girls being older. I don't need lyrics for this cause I know the words - "'WANT YOU koi!' to icchauu SHUUTO jirasareru BAIOREESHON!!"
Erm, anyways! So when Liz sent this to me as a shared vid, I shot right up in my chair, instantly OH YES. I don't care if this came out three months ago, the song choice alone makes it worth listening to, for me at least. And you know (LOL YOU KNOW), I never thought about it but this is a great song to do as a duet ~ because a good half of the song is just that; duets. Then there's solos on the pre-chorus and (mainly) group parts on the chorus. Anyways, to the dub!
One of the girls is louder than the other on a lot of the duets. I don't know much about mixing, but I am thinking that maybe the volumes could have been played with so that Liz didn't overpower Lucy so much ? (Unless they planned it to be that way?) Cause even though you can hear Lucy, she's sort of in the background sometimes as opposed to Liz's more easily heard vocals. There are some duets that are more balanced and some that are less, but when you hear the two of these girls together, the blending is nice.
Now, solo time!! 0:55 & 1:05 is Lucy, ohgosh, she has such a pretty voice! One I've been hearing more often lately, and have really come to adore. I think they did a good job on picking who got solos by which girl; Lucy suits Miyabi and Yurina very well. Her first line is short but sweet, and I really like her "jiman shitai naa" solo. At 0:58 to 1:04, both solos are by Lizzie. She suits Risako more than Momoko, but has a maturer voice. She borders on pitchy sometimes, but sounds swell all the same.
Next is the chorus, which is good, but I think out of it and the duets and solos, I like the solos the most. So I'm going to skip around now to focus on those. Ohh, I like the second verse a lot, it turned out marvelously. 2:12 & 2:22 is Lucy; her first solo is a little on the soft side, but her second one, "anata no egao" is well delivered. Though, I don't care for how she dropped on her ending 'whoa' sound; it doesn't drop, it stays steady on the higherish note. But regardless, she sounds splendid.
2:16 to 2:21 is Lizzie! I actually really like how she sounds on her first solo, even though she sounds a bit funky on the end of it; the lyric is "shita" and she pronounces it more like 'shitai' ~ but actually, that's my favorite part of the line, lol. I think her following solo is the weaker of the two, but she still did a fab job. Liz also has the first solo at 3:11, which she sounds good on, but I really see this as an Umph! part of the song and I think her solo could have been stronger.
Lucy at 3:21, she sounds fairly good, but the middle of her line is a bit iffy. The whole thing is "itooshii hito" and it can be slightly tricky. Lol, it was (and sometimes still is) the line that I often goof up when singing this song. You've got to make sure to get the right syllables on the "too" and "shii" or else it throws off the rhythm of the solo ~ 'i to o shi i hi to' and then the little vocalizing 'whoa' bit. Lucy's second 'i' isn't very clear and she maybe rushed the tiniest bit getting to the 'hi' ~ but I think she managed it well overall. I like how her 'to whoa' sounds, though she again dropped on the final note.
Gah, I have always loved hearing and singing "shocchuu nou ni macchau chuucho" in the second part of the chorus. It's so fun. Towards the end of this dub, it's around 3:47ish, and I think the girls sound wonderful on it, they did a good job on hitting the note. Energy seems to lessen a little, from beginning to end. Lizzie's 3:49 "dakishimete" ends on a bad note; a held off key note. But a few off notes out of the kajillion notes that make up a song isn't that bad. Lucy follows with her lovely "kanata" ~ and that's it! Nice job girls!!

And as for the writing (yes, there is writing), I didn't put it on there with the intention of it being readable. I realize how faint and small it is, but if you look close vertically it says "You Know" and horizontally it's " Know You Know" sort of as if it was being repeated. I just didn't like how blank the lines look, so I threw the text in. Not my best, but the colors are pretty and so is Chinami, and the song's awesome.
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