Like when I'm reviewing a dub but has no CClyrics; I could PM the project / group for them, but who knows when I'll get a reply? I want to blog right then, not possibly wait a day or so for lyrics. That's why it often frustrates me so ~ it's nice to have such info provided so there is no need to ask. I was just thinking; ohsnap, I should have PMed Shiruku some questions and done an interview. But I want to blog about them now, not later.
So, I have basically no information about this group to share with y'all. Though, in their case it's a bit understandable, since the project is still quite new. Their YT channel has been around since late May and their first dub was only released this past week. There are currently three eggs and eight (listed) members, the latter making up the cast of their two groups; Shiruku! and Shiruku Koubou.

Cast (in order of solos):
Suzuki Airi - Lucy [CherryxJuice]
Tanaka Reina - Aiko [ReinaLoverai]
Natsuyaki Miyabi - Mitsuki [MitsukiUsagii]
FIRST KISS by Shiruku Shuffles / (embedding disabled?) Wow, it's actually been a little bit since I've heard this song, lol. The lovely Lucy starts the dub off, her opening "doushite" is spot on. I'm going to skip around lot ~ The Ai/Mi duet at 0:59 is fabulous! Lucy's following "DORAIBU shitari" is pretty snazzy, though her 'rai' was a little iffy.
I really like Aiko's 1:06 solo, especially how cuteish her "katta" sounds. She sounds great on her "kawatta" before the chorus too. This song needs more Miyabi!! Mitsuki has her part in this and from what little I've heard in the beginning she did a swell job. Lucy starts the chorus off wonderfully at 1:17! I adore Aiko's following solo oodles, her "banashi mo waraenai" ~ 1:28 is Mi/Lu, who make an splendid duo! Lucy has a bit better energy, but I like how they sound together.
Gah, the first two solos in the next verse (1:57) - Aiko then Lucy - are awesome! I adore Aiko's "aenai no?" as well as her "koto de" around 2:13. And then we get a small but marvelous "minna" from Mitsuki; I'm awaiting the second half of the song where she has longer lines! More Lu/Mi on the pre-chorus (2:20) ~ I like them on the "nakama ga dekite" even though the ending 'te' is a bit iffy.
Aiko's following solo sounds like the timings semi funky? but this could be just me, idk. (lol, Aya is tired again). Lucy at 2:27, oh I actually like her whole solo here, she sings with good emotion! At first I was going to say 'all the' but really there are only two "ano KISU de"s in this song; both of which are sung by the whole trio, and turned out nicely.
YAY, Mitsuki at 2:37! Still not much to go by; she sings with good emotion and delivered her solo pretty well. 2:49 is the only time Ai/Lu duet, and though it's not very long, the girls sound fabulous. Wow, the snapping is so sharp and clear, I know it's part of the instrumental, but their volume took me by surprise. Anyways! Props to Lucy for all her high notes in this song!! Especially her 3:10 solo; I think it sounds fantastic ~ she did a good job!
I think (of the few lines that she has) 2:28 is Mitsuki's best solo! Aiko has the last line - "ano yoru mitai ni KISU shite" - and she's wonderful on it! I really like her vocalizing off the end of the 'shite' ~ Overall this is a terrific dub! Thanks for sharing, Shiruku!
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