MARTHA / BOTAN ! I knew her as Botan first in Hana Project, but I eventually learned her name and listened to her in other projects and also in her own solos and non-project dubs. I know she's also gone by other names, but I know her best as simply Martha. She's a super nice girl and a fabulous singer. Here are some dubs she's been in, mainly her debuts, and also projects that she mentioned in the drop-down section of her Ann video.
Nanchatte Renai by HoshiStar (TsubakiProject) August 27, 2009 / In the description of her anniversary video, Martha said this is one of "the first major H!P dubbing groups I joined (and I'm still with!)...Y'all remind me that dubbing should be fun and that's the reason I started in the first place!" This dub was the overall second one released by Tsubaki, and the debut of HoshiStar as a group.
FLY HIGH by Tane (Hana Project) September 22, 2009 / The A-side to Tane's premiere single. As far as I know, this was the first dub of Hana's that Martha was in. "Tane is a small group of girls who we took from the Generation 3 auditions with the intention of training them to eventually become full members." (Kappa, leader of Hana)
Quite a bit of time has passed and Martha has since graduated from an egg-like status to a full member! She was also in the B-side; Honto no Jibun. I met Martha because of Hana, and that makes me really happy.
GET UP! Rapper by Pluto (CosmosProject) December 04, 2009 / Martha's project!! I know she's real proud of her members and having her own project makes her happy. "To all of my 'children' in Cosmos, I love you so much for supporting one of my crazy ideas and getting singles released every month." You can click the above link to see their youtube, and here's a link to entries I've written that they're in.
MADAYADE by Bishoujo (IroKokoroProject) / As I been gathering the info for this one, I've been going 'IKP' all AKB48 River opening style, lol. Where Takamina says it all strong and long. Anyways, I had to do some dub-surfing to figure out which one of theirs she debuted in, and it's this one! I'm so glad that Martha's part of IKP's Gen 3 (an epic generation). IKP just gets better and better. I'm addicted to their latest Momoiro Clover dub (*o*)

Namida no Iro 2nd Anniversary Dub! / Gah, this is such a great song for Martha!! I adore her on the verses; she sounds great on the melody with her unique & mature voice. She's got an overall marvelous level of energy, and I like the concert version she picked! She's fantastic on the pre-chours!!! Out of the three different parts of the song, it's probably my favorite.
This isn't a full version so it skips to the last part of the song, following the little instrumental break. And though the first bit, starting at 1:57, is awesome, the last four lines of this dub was giving me shivers. The good kind. At 2:27 her whole "Anna ni aishiteta Anata to no sayonara" is terrific!
And then her "Anna ni aishiteta" at 2:34 just blows your mind!! That part especially made me all happy tingly feeling. I was like; (*o*) ohprettyy wahhhhhhh *brainmush* ~ lol. She sounds so so so good! She nailed the higher notes brilliantly and sang with fantastic pizazz. HAPPY 2ND ANN, MARTHA!
Thank you sososososo much Aya! I hope to get another two years under my belt!
ReplyDeleteListening to all these dubs brings back memories!! *tear*