Cast (in order of solo,
excluding speaking parts)
Shinju, Reika
Yumi, Sara
Rii, Scarlett
Nikkou (HoshizoraDubs) / See?! More Rival. Not that I mind, it just goes along with the poll. In xbluecrystalsx's they said, "I've had a weird obsession with Rival lately." See! It's just a popular song recently. Thus so many dubs of it. It's such a sweet song~
After like an hour of listening to this on repeat while I've been distracted with reading (hehe) I can really say that this is a fantastic dub! I kind of wish the speaking parts were louder; were the volumes lowered during mixing? Some of the "Go Go Fight"s were also a little quiet (0:21).
All the of the parts in this; verses & chorus, solos & duets and group parts - I adore'em all. This dub has a very real sound to it, sure there are minor things, but I still think it turned out quite professional. And even though leader Maya commented on the blending, I think it's pretty darn good. No one clashed or anything, and the parts with more than one person sound fine. More than fine; fabulous!
I totally downloaded this right away. I'm like a she-dragon with dubs as my treasure. I lovingly hoard them, admiring different ones from day to day, and I'm keeping 'til I die. Or something like that, lol. Anyways, this is a really really good dub.

Yajima Maimi: Malice (maliciousdevice)
Murakami Megumi: Mieko (HappyJunjou)
Shimizu Saki: Yuki (Nozofan)
Yaguchi Mari: Yumi (SugoiiYumiChan)
Umeda Erika: Me-chan (mechan1995) *cover
Tsugunaga Momoko: Siyome (Siyome) *cover
Shiroi Tokyo by Kira Kira Eggs (KireinaProject) / Such a bubbly sparkly song. I love Malice as Maimi, she suits her so well and sounds marvelous. I liked all of her solos a lot. Mieko sounds really cute, but I'd like a little more umph from her lines. Especially since her part as Megumi is basically the main. I just didn't feel enough emotion from her.
Yuki is such a sweet but. . . .passive? singer. Well I think I've only heard her in this and she's an egg which might mean she is still newish to being a part of a group or to fandubbing itself, idk. I know she could do really well if she just sang with a little more confidence. I like Yumi's enthusiasm a lot, she only needs to watch her pitch the slightest bit.
I really like Me-chan's voice, and she sings with pretty good emotion, though she could turn her volume up a notch when singing. I also like her smooth transition from one note to the next, it's lovely. There was one tiny moment when I thought Siyome might go off-beat, but she slipped right into the flow of her line easily and sounded swell. She has a darling voice and sang with pep.
Aside from the minor things I've mentioned, this turned out really well. These Eggs did a wonderful job. Malice is graduating from this group, and Mieko has been named the new leader. KONGURACHUREESHON~

Ai - XxHitomixX
Risa - Mariko
Eri - Bakapai
Reina - Me-chan
Sayumi - Liana
Aika - Manami
JunJun - Molly
LinLin - Luinestel
Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai by Osaka Koi no Uta (Yoproject) / Awesome!! Another fantastic dub from YP, originally released by Othello on the forums. I have to admit that I'm not feeling focused enough to break this down, but I do really like it. So worth a listen, and I'd give it kajillions of stars if I could~
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