"Welcome to WonderfulHeartsPro! This is a fandub group. It is very small right now but I hope to make it bigger. We are running auditions right now for some of the bigger groups and (will) work from there. We will have some dubs up soon as possible."
The auditions are for what will be WHP's shuffle group, which'll cover; Buono, C-ute, S/mileage, and Guardians4. The video says that there are seven open spots, meaning the total member count will be eight (maybe because C-ute has eight in it's early releases?). You can audition for 2-3 of the groups.
So, I am guessing that if you get into two groups, you will only be in those two, and shuffle within the groups and not the whole shuffle unit itself? Am I making any sense? I'm not sure if I'm right or not, but that's what I understand from the information.
Anyways! Rules, information and the application form can all be found in the video, or in it's drop-down section. Note; You can't audition if you have already been accepted into Melon Musume or Kiwi Koubou. The deadline is set at May 5th, but WHP's leader has said that it may get extended.

"Welcome to the re-opening of Hey!Project. This project unfortunately died awhile ago and I (MomoxMochi) have decided to bring it back. . . .This group mainly covers Morning Musume, but some people will break off and cover other stuff like Berryz, Buono!, Maybe C-ute. . . ."
From what it looks like at the moment, Bel has mainly got her sight set on forming a MM group. That is the cast she is looking to fill up, and auditioning songs must be by Momusu. H!P's leader will be doing the casting. Rules and the application form can be found in the video/drop-down section.
This has only been open about two days, and already there have been around sixteen auditions! So don't miss out if you're interested. Bel is thinking of closing auditions May 15th, but there is the possibility of a sooner date.
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