Tomodachi wa tomodachi nanda by MidoriiW / Short but sweet. I haven't heard anything from Miichan in a while, and I think this little dub is really good. She has a great voice, sings clearly and delivers her lines well. She had pretty good energy too~

Ai Takahashi - Liana
Risa Niigaki - Celia
Eri Kamei - Kitsune
Sayumi Michishige - Catanaition
Reina Tanaka - Spicy
Koharu Kusumi - Eririn
Aika Mitsui - Toki Doki Haato
JunJun - Michikosaki
Linlin - Jko - covered by Manon
SONGS by yoproject / Though I'm not a super fan of the song, these girls sound fantastic singing it!! Yoproject always puts out really good releases. I love the awesome energy in this song, and there are so many good lines from great dubbers. This dub makes my ears immensely happy~

Chyree [BelovedStar18]
Amanda [Angelhope777]
Trashin' The Camp / This was too fun to not share, lol. It's all vocalizing, no words. And these two gals sound fabulous together!! That's it for entries tonight though. I've got to go to bed, since I work tomorrow. Sayonara. ILY'ALL~
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