Kirameki no Kanata he by ValeriA from their single Tethys / I did as Wingu indirectly requested (lol) and checked out this group from SnM. I'll admit that I purposely searched around for a non-English dub, since it's what I favor. And after downloading five or so songs I finally decided on this one.
Sometimes the different parts seemed to be timed oddly, like on the chorus; with the main melody plus the other lines dotted about. But I think it's just how the song goes, & I've never heard it before. I liked the verses a lot, all the girls sounded swell on their solos/lines. And the harmonies were good!
A tid bit of pitchiness now and then, but nothing super bad. The energy level was quite good overall, could have been a notch higher at times. I really like the melody of the chorus, and the low notes sound awesome. Sometimes one person might stick a little bit, but the blending worked out pretty well; when you get a part where they are all together.
With this dub, and just about all dubs that I like; even though you can find little things to pick at, it doesn't matter in the long run. Yes, dubbers often want advice so they can improve, and that's cool. But for me, as a listener; I enjoy listening, including all the little things. I'm on like my 10th run through of this, or something. And it grows on me more and more.
So I encourage practice and progress, but know that no matter what- someone out there enjoys listening to you; imperfections and all. Even though this isn't the best dub I've ever heard, it's still worth a listen. Props to the singers who participated.

"I'm going to try and update this as much as I can with: ValeriA releases (from Sekai no Melody), Other SnM releases (read: sub-projects), Random Groups/Duets (Not official releases, but collaborated and 'released'), Solos (Mixed properly), One-shots (Sung in one go, sometimes mixed, sometimes not) and Scraps (Epic fails), that feature me!(Or, well, I'll pimp out Sekai no Melody some more by posting epic wins on here too, with a review.)"

WingedFlame (ValeriA) singing as Hannon
Dolce Melodia (English Ver) / "an English translation of an Italian song that was made for a Japanese Anime" lol, I don't listen to many English dubs so it's a little different hearing it instead of some other language. The melody of this song is really pretty. I've listened to it over and over and I like this dub.
There was some minor pitchiness, but I think that makes the dub uniquely flawed and adds character. None of the off parts were that bad. The energy level was good and the solos were all delivered quite well.
I love the pre-chorus part at 0:45, the "towards the oriental skyline" and such. I like the melody of that part and the girls sound great together. It's the same part at 1:42, only it's spilt into solos; both of which are good. The chorus is super catchy! I liked the "as the sun rises" & "you gave me my life" parts.
Not a very long song, but definitely enjoyable~

Bah, I didn't get all that I wanted to done today. I'm still itching to blog about some more AK dubs that I've been listening to a lot. & I also have yet to check out Breaking Records and today I saw another group I wanted to look into as well. But after I finish work tomorrow, I have two whole days off. Fan-freaking-tastic! ILY'ALL. Nightnight
URM. T-Thank you very much for the review! (For both ValeriA, and my own blog, XD;;)
ReplyDelete<33' I've only really started blogging, so thank you very much for the review~