I am sorely overdue on an update for Konichiba Project, so here we go~
Eva (airisuzuki24)
Nakky (ILA1080)
Ayaka (JapanGaruuz)
Mari (SailorSednaPGSM)
Stella (StellaUta)
Amaya (xsweetgurl)
This is Ayaka's last single as a part of Hoshizora~
Namida no Iro / Shoot, I don't know for sure if it's in order of hearance ;w; This is pretty good! I really liked so many parts in this, even though the pitching needs work for some people. Overall, the blending was splendid. The energy level is awesome! Whoever had the opening solo has a fabulous voice!!
The group parts turned out great on the little melody right before the chorus! I'll confuse myself if I try to figure out who's singing when on the solos, lol. So I won't try. But many of the lines were very good. A couple of iffy notes and off-key spots, but a lovely dub all the same. Ohh! I adored 3:19. I love how everyone sounds together there.

Stella (StellaUta)
Valen (cutiesnsd)
Eva (airisuzuki24)
Elena (XxHanaAsunaxX)
Lily (therealallisons)
Mari (SailorSednaPGSM)
Amaya (xsweetgurl)
Rae (SingingOnDemand)
Lucy (CherryxJuice)
This is Rae's last single with Tokyo Musume~
Kanashimi Twilight / The echo is a little much, distracts some from the following line. But it's not horrible, lol. This isn't a fave, but it's still good. Part of it for me is the song, it doesn't do anything for me. As for the dub itself, I've heard better from Konichiba, but did enjoy listening. You can't only like something at it's best.

Abe Natsumi - Veri (Veridian92)
Goto Maki - Miyazu (MiyazuChan)
Ishikawa Rika - Amaya (xsweetgurl)
Matsuura Aya - Mari (SailorSednaPGSM)
Suki Sugite Baka Mitai / ngvkngkwe. I will always love this song. And I think it does go in order of hearance. On the other dubs I just got confused though, idk why. Maybe this one is easier for me to follow since there are only the four girls, each with easy to pick out voices.
I've heard Miyazu before, and I like her mature voice and energy. Veri I am new to (I believe) and will have to peek at her profile Another mature and lovely voice. Amaya I adore, with her sweet voice and wonderful singing. Mari I'm familiar with, she has a cute voice.
Veri should sing with more confidence! And Miyazu is sometimes pitchy, but I love her vibrato. Amaya is adorable, but I'd like to hear more umph! to her solos. Same with Mari. All the same, this was a lovely dub. Props for song choice, lol.
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