My second oldest sister, my mom and I all rode in the car for a little over 3 hours, lol. But it was worth it. We crashed at my sister's house and slept in (since we got home at like 2-3am) and helped my other sister make a cake for her best friend's bridal shower, then drove home.
One day is a long time in my blogging world. I've got to play the catch-up game now. But I'ma have oodles of fun; UWAH! Where to start, ohmy oh my. I guess with what I left off with before leaving.

TU!Pro has released over 300 dubs! That's so freaking many. They do a lot of concert dubs, and on top of their many groups/sub-groups they also have a handful of soloists. There are currently over 50 members and four main groups; Twilight Legend, Kawaii-Sono, Star!U, and J-unior SWEET .
Twilight Legend covers mainly Momusu + misc H!P
Kawaii-Sono covers Buono, No Sleeves + misc H!P
Star!U covers Korean Girl Groups - Girls Generation, Wonder Girls, F (x)
And the last group, J-unior SWEETs, has five subgroups~ Biscuit ROUGE (Ongaku Gatas, AKB48, etc), Crystal Clear (SWEETs, ZYX, Aa!), Sparkle Society (Berryz Koubou, Canary Club), SWEET Delight (Milky Way, Shugo Chara Eggs, S/mileage, Guardians 4), Urban Promise (C-ute, The POSSIBLE).

Leader Purply and I chitchatted a tiny bit before I left the other day, and she was also cool enough to share some vids with me, also letting me know of Star!U's existence! I adore SNSD so much. I actually listen to quite a bit of kpop, along with jpop & H!P. And so when I learned that TU!Pro had a group that covered Kpop groups I was happy!
Tell Me Your Wish (Genie) / This was released back in February, but this is the one Purply sent my way, so I totally had a listen. Gah, the group parts are epic. These girls sound so so good together!! All of the solos were nice as well, but for me the best part of this dub is the chorus. It's just so on!
Yoobin: Eva
Sohee: Lulu
SunMi: Teefah
SunYe: HachiProject
YeEun: Katie
Nobody / Homg!! I'm glad that Star!U picked this song, it's so catchy. This is their most recent release, just up yesterday! I downloaded it after hearing like 10 seconds. There was a fun mix of cute voices and lovely voices, and the chorus was sooooo good.
I adored all of the solos, though I fail at names ;w; I don't know my Wonder girls, I'm an awful fan. During some spots, when the volume was a little much it resulted in a static sound, but though it was noticable, overall it didn't take away from the dub. I still really enjoyed it.
The rap was epic!!! Probably my favorite part of the dub, other than the chorus. I am really looking forward to Star!U's next release. *cough* I would love to hear Gee or Way To Go. But I'll take anything they put out. SNSD, After School, Kara, T-ara, F (x), Wonder Girls, etc.
:P Sorry this is a random comment but I just wanted to say thank you for your comment on the rap in Nobody[I'm flattered ehe ^^], and for everything you said in general about Star!U. xD I hope you'll keep following us and TU!P. :3