Soli on YP explains the need-to-know info about how it all works in the thread created for it. Basically- "Produce 12 singles to be released in 12 weeks during Summer 2010, starting the week of June 6th and ending the week of August 22nd." First things first, you pick a Theme and go from there, choosing 12 songs and working details out.
As far as I know, the singles will be released on yoproject.net, though perhaps some people might also put them up on their YT channels (I can hope, eh?). I am really looking forward to hearing and downloading oodles of wonderful dubs!! Gah, can't wait until summer now. (Can you believe that it started snowing again today? WTH)

Homg!! I forgot to subscribe to Hello!Stage back when I covered them, so I didn't know that they'd released two more dubs!! Bad Aya. Well I fixed that by clicking the lovely little yellow button so I will be informed next time. And since it's like 2:30am and I need to go to bed, I'll just share them with you real quick~
Seishun LOVE! Lunch / Nichibotsu
Nakajima Saki - Ika [ ikalove22 ]
Mitsui Aika- Mary [ marianahime ]
Okai Chisato - Miya [ tokyostarx ]
Niigaki Risa - Rae [ talentlessloser ]
Uwah, this is so cute and fun~ I think the only girl I know is Miya, though Rae's username is slightly familiar. Then again, I have a suckish memory at times, lol. I shall have to check them all out sometime!
Kioku no Meiro / H!S Shuffles
Takahashi Ai - Jess [ lilmenchi ]
Tanaka Reina - Chiyo [ xchiyochii ]
It's been a bit since I listened to Chiyo, she sounds good in this! And I love Jess' mature voice, ohmy. She suits Ai. I love concert version dubs. The added crowd makes it so much more fun to listen to, idk why. This is a marvelous duet~
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