Each of the three groups have already released their debut singles, all with A and B tracks. Kyuusoku = Kanashimi Twilight, Nikkou = VERY BEAUTY, Akebono = Namida ga Tomaranai Houkago. Hoshizora also takes members from the different groups to dub together and release a Hoshizora group single, similar to what Hello!Project does during concerts and with shuffle units.
More auditions were held in a search for 3-5 new Eggs in February of this year. HD leader has already commented that "I'll be going through all the videos now." Since then two girls have been added as Junior Members on the project's YT page; Malice (maliciousdevice) and Chii (chiidoki). Congrats to them both!
[*] I actually began this entry about 12 days ago. At the time, I wasn't interested enough in the song I had chosen to cover, and so this got pushed to the back burner as I focused on other entries. It was acutally HD's very nice comment on my profile today that prompted me to finish this. They heard about my blog through Dubber's Radio, and took the time to compliment me.
And so! In turn, I set out to finish this entry!! It took me a bit to decide on a song, I was going to go with Fighting Pose. But on a whim today, I clicked on Kyuusoku's dub of Wakkyanai (Z), and after hearing, I just had to cover it!
Saya (animefreakxdd)
Juri (juwibean)
Momo (maluxyneonlyt)
Tsukimi (mayreanna)
Rin (rixiemixiepixiedixie)
[*] As previously mentioned; unless it's listed who sings for what girl, or if it's clear that it's solos in order of hearence; I get confused. So I could sit here and try to figure out who is singing when, and I'm sure I'd be right quite a lot. But I could be wrong too, and I don't want to misinform. So I shall refrain from commenting on individual girls.
[*] Ohmygoodness~ So so many cute voices!! The solos lines all sound really good; I was often reminded of the actual H!P girls. And I totally love it when the group sings together!! It just sounds SO gooood.
I'll just toss out some spots I like; the very opening line, 0:46-0:51, 1:01-1:03 gotta love the HORA, 1:07-1:11 homg awesome solo, 1:21-1:23 I adored the 'kyouzame.' 2:12-2:15 another nice solo, 2:25-2:29, who doesn't love those 'yossha? yossha? yossha's
2:46 was fantastic! I really liked that solo. Especially with it being during the little less-backing-music part. The following solo is also really good too. All of this was fabulous, really. (Sorry if this entry fails in any way, it's really late).
This is one of my favorite C-ute songs, and I think the Kyuusoku gals did a wonderful job on it.
[*] OH! I do want to say that I love it when a download link is provided ! ! ! I love to put stuff on my MP3 player (which is all H!P & other Asian music, lol), including dubs! Or sometimes I just leave them on my computer's playlist and I listen to whatever comes on, which could be your dub! I understand that sometimes it's just not what you (or the group) wants, but I just wanted to express that I love the option.
~ BUT YEAH. My lame sleep brain isn't saying nearly enough good things about this dubbing group! I should interview them, like I did with Bonbon, so I can gather more information. But I suggest that you check out their YT, and have a listen of some of the other group dubs.
I love these girls! They're all so talented! ^^ A very promising Dubbing Group.