Saturday, March 27, 2010

IKP auditions

LOL. This is epic. I know it's just a audition video, but it's so funny. I kept giggling. EPIC. Go listen to it. You need to listen to it. Oh, and this video answered a question that I posed not too long ago; Generation 3's name will be Akarui, which is the Japanese word for 'bright'

Here is a cast, as listed in the info bar. I got some of the names in the beginning (you will too, if you listen/watch). I picked out Aly easy enough, Leader Takari too. Homg, I love the british accent ♥ So many funny lines in this. You have~

~The person who could voice an anime character.
~The person who isn't a judge but still loves to be in stuff like this.
~The british accented person.
~The sick/froggy/dead/almost country-ish sounding leader.
~The person with the CUTEST Foreign accent ever.
~And the amazing person who took everyone's lines, including her own, because they got last minute busy and couldn't do the video.

One thing I really really like about this, is that IKP did a great job at outlining exactly what they want, what they expect, and what they will accept. It's all in the info bar on the right AND Amaranth, Aqua, Celeste, Goldenrod, Scarlet, Heather and Takara all read off everything, putting humor into it and making you want to join just cause they sound like a fun (hard-working!) bunch~

I also want to, again, bring up Buggy's episode one of Dubber's Radio. All of the points that she mentioned- Before the audition, Audition Songs, Waiting for the Result, & Final results -are good things to keep in mind, and many of them were brought up by IKP.

*Do not message IKP members, bugging them about auditions.
*Make sure to follow the rules and requirements to the letter.
*Don't apply if you're not going to be active.
*Please, don't be a sore loser. Be open to advice on how you can improve!

Dubbing is for enjoyment. So enjoy it! Above all; it's about having fun~

IKP is a great dubbing project, so if you're interested; Go audition!

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