My sister wants on today, and I'm like; I'm blogging *puppy eyes* and and I need to free my mind of all the ideas bouncing around in my head. And I thought she was going to go all biatch on me, but she didn't! So I shall continue! I have. . . .three more entries I want to make at the moment.

AYA: *When did your project first start?* Is the date listed on the project account accurate?
MAYA: "I made this account on November 26 and on the same day I opened up auditions for Gen 1."
AYA: *Have you gone through any data loss or had to start over with a new account due to some YouTube lameness?*
MAYA: "Nope, we haven't gone through any data loss yet (and we hope we never will). . . .I'm not taking any chances. . . .I'm going to be very careful with what I upload here from now on to lower the risk of getting suspended."
AYA: *Where did the idea come from?* Did it take a lot of time to get going?
MAYA: "I knew about fan/groupdubbing since it started way back. . . .I have a few real life friends who like fandubbing but fail when it comes to mixing. So I offered to mix for them. Overtime, I got better at it and I found out a lot of people are posting their dubs online now.
Not long after that I found out that there are actually PROJECTS for these kind of things now. I procrastinated a lot for 2 years before I finally had the guts to make an account and open auditions. And I'm very glad I did."
AYA: *Who are/is the leader(s) and/or sub-leader?*
MAYA: "We just started, so I haven't really appointed anyone as leader or sub-leader yet. Things aren't really. . . .to the point I need a leader or sub-leader yet, so I'll just keep it at that for now."
AYA: *What would you say is the goal of your project;* Are you set on making progress as a group, or is your main goal to just have fun? Somewhere in between?
MAYA: "My goal for this project is to mainly just have fun and produce good dubs. We do however WANT to make progress, but maybe when we're a little bit more established."
AYA: *Any questions for me?*
MAYA: "When will you post up and official video of your dub? I downloaded your sample thing and you sound good!"
AYA: "D'aw (;w;) Thank you! I am mixing-stupid, but I've had offers from people who'd mix for me. It's just a matter of choosing a song, finding quiet time, and going from there. LOL. We'll see."
Sadly, I don't have extra time to cover this. But I figured I'd put Hoshizora's latest dub up, for your listening pleasure.
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