This was a decision that took some thought, but I've finally decided. I have some news, some amazing news, and some not so awesome news.
1. Yesterday (October 11th) was my birthday! I'm now 21- for us USAers that means drinking legally and getting a horizontal I.D. I don't really care about either of those, but it's just one of those milestone ages. I'm now in my 'early twenties' LOL. I didn't party or anything, but my mom & I had pizza and cake, then went straight to bed 'cause we were tired.
2. I am now an aunt! AND GUESS WHAT?! My niece (Juniper Leigh) and I share a birthday! She was born yesterday at 8:24am. 7 lbs, 10 oz, 20 in. I haven't gotten a chance to see her, but I think I will tomorrow. We're all very excited around here, cause it's the first grandbaby in our (intermediate) family and in my mom's side of the family. YAY! Best birthday present ever.
3. And here comes the sucker punch....I am putting Blabodu on hiatus. The main reason is because it's become bigger than I ever thought and I honestly can't keep up with it. I started this blog just for fun and it ended up going way beyond that, which I have all you lovely people to thank for.
There are always going to be new projects and groups, and I'm only one listener. I'm tabbing somewhere between 80-100 groups & am buried so deeply and always a step behind. I love this place and all y'all to gorgeous little bits. And before I even wrote this I'll admit that I cried some (cause I'm a cryeasy gal). But I feel this is the right choice for me.
Being a part of the dubbing world has been an awesome experience. I've met some wonderful, talented, hilarious, incredible people along the way, and don't even get me started on all the amazing dubs 'n covers I've heard since I discovered that people actually did stuff like this. I've been running this blog for about seven months now, and I've had such a good time!

Now I don't plan to fall off the face of the earth or anything. I just won't be posting here for the time being. I've got a niece to spoil rotten!! I'm sorry for the things I've left undone or halfdone. Like the Interdubbing Medley Concert, Pocket Kisetsu, coverage of the YTC Battle of Choruses, interviews I've had in mind or already in progress, etc.
I hope all of you keep on singing, and doing your thing. Don't let anything get you down. Take the good with the bad, and keep chugging along. Be positive! Stay optimistic! Music is one of the most epic things in this world, in all it's shapes and forms and ways of being created. And y'all have made -and will continue to make- some beautiful music with your voices, dedication, humor, knowledge, willingness to learn and love.
I couldn't possibly name all of the individuals that I hold dear to my heart, but I feel I must mention a few. Rae, you fabulous girl. I love your singing and I'm so glad I met you. Thanks for opening the door for me. That makes you extremely special to me. Your latest dubs have especially touched me. Kappa and Liana, I never got to know either of you super crazy well, but you have always been friendly, funny, and helpful. I think (from an outsider / listeners POV that is) that you're kickbutt leaders.
Fae, you're like, my number one supporter ;w; You've always been there for me, encouraged me, and we've definitely had our laughs. We've triumphed over our time differences (lol) and I hope we're friends for a long time! There are many many more of you, but it'd take too long to list everyone (and I'd end up being crazy picky about trying to mention everyone), and I think I should end this.
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