Friday, September 10, 2010


Tsugunaga Momoko: Shinju
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Aurora
Suzuki Airi: Chii

Hoshi no Hitsuji Tachi by Saiko-kyuu (AtarashiHappyCharm) / Frick, I love this song. So when I saw that AHC had dubbed it, I just had to write something about it. If there was a download link, I'd be clicking it in a heartbeat. This dub is so so so sweet!! So lovely and cute and pretty. I can't say enough good things about it. I love Shinju's part, she sings it fantastically! And Chii & Aurora sound so awesome on the overlapping chorus'! Plus Chii's solos are splendid! This is definitely worth a listen!!!

Ryo: Ayuchi (AyuchiTatsu)
Massu: Miyo (Miyoxan)
Koyama: Sora (beckylovese7en)
Shige: Kurumi
Tego: Anari (TeppeichanWaT)
Yamapi: Mirii

Sakura Girl by BANG (BangProDubs) / CClyrics / kjnejkwfnew the group parts in this are brilliant! And that's what makes up the majority of this dub! The solos are wonderful as well, but I really really love the blending. This group is beautiful together. I especially like the "sakura"s at the end of the chorus' ~ And I really like the way they sound on this song- I'm new to it, but BANG sings it very well. This deserves a thumbs up *gives it one* Lovely.

Ai, Saya, Rei, Raii, Kate,
Mari, Rei, Chiyo, Daniel

Inshouha Renoir no you Ni by Twilight Kisu & Amai Natsu (CharmsProject) / CClyrics / I LOVE the "Dakishimete"s in this!! The verses rock! The chorus' are flat out fabulous too! The overall emotion, energy and smexy-attitude is magnificent! Some girls have it more than others, and some parts of the song have it more than others, but overall, I think everyone did great!

I love hearing all the different voices on the solos, and then hearing them come together on the little trios and duets. Charms' Koi no Jubaku will always be special to me, but I really enjoy them as a project and have fun listening to everything by them. I'm not a huge fan of this song but these two subunits sound terrific!

Risako: Kanny [kannychan21]
Aika: Eun Mi [eunmijjang]
Saki: Ayuna [AyunaDaisuki]
Yurina: Nae [NaeHoshiChan]

School Days by Tamago! (HanaEmiProject) / I had to turn my computer's volume up to listen to this. The girls aren't quiet, perhaps the audio's volume level was? I don't think anyone is crazy about Guardians4- in that they haven't had a lot of good singles. But even though they aren't my favorite, I find their music charming and catchy. Like this song!

I've learned the first half of it, so I was mouthing along with these four as they sang. And though there are little things that can be picked at, I think they did a swell job! Eun Mi is a little noticeable in the chorus' and everyone could use a bit more umph! But the blending and pronunciation are great, and I didn't notice a difference in mics (but note that I'm not a mixer, lol). I think this is darling and delightful overall!

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