I've been wanting to do some interviewing lately, so since I had a project leader in conversation already I went ahead and asked. So this whole thing was done over msn, hah. First things first, Chiyo's birthday is coming up! That's where I'll start this (I bolded the main info around within our talking, lol);
AYA: Ohhhh!!!! enwfjkenw Happy Birthday! . . .Okay *clears throat and gets into interviewer mode* I think I've already asked this before, but what does Kirameki mean?
CHIYO: My birthday is the 14th, but I'm giving my party tomorrow, there will be lots of games lol. Anyways; Kirameki is the Japanese word for "glitter, glimmer, sparkle, twinkle, ..." and things along those lines~
AYA: Pretty! I really like your icon on YT. The pink checkerboard + the star seem to suit y'all's name. Did you know from the start how you wanted to do things? Like having the different groups and such?
And how did you get members for the groups? I don't see an audition video, so I am guessing that you maybe asked around? I don't need to ask what the group names mean, cause it's listed on the channel YAY
CHIYO: Yes I knew right away what I wanted to do! I wanted to have groups from like "the same level" - no differences, no different treatments, no specific songs (except for the second single) that they have to sing. . .
There WAS an audition video on for like... 2 weeks or something, but I put it off because I thought it might be better to just ask people around, only 2 or 3 members actually came through the audition.
AYA: Ohh! Yeah I bet it can be hard to get an audition video out and about so that people apply. I think it's awesome that you got so many members! I think I counted 15? And so many talented singers ♥ Have there been any 'bumps in the road' thus far?
CHIYO: You mean like SERIOUS problems? No not at all, I also have like, 3 people who didn't want to join the project, but did want to cover for people if they can't turn in lines, so that isn't a problem. I had to get a few covers so far and currently Chinatsu (Yuuyake) is on a hiatus, but big problems? Nope, not at all ^w^
AYA: I'm glad to hear it! I love covers. Because they are so helpful! You mentioned (earlier) that Gesshoku will be debuting soon, so that's something to look forward to! Y'all seem to have a...middle pace? lol, not fast but not super slow. Gotta plan around all the school and extra stuff, right? Do you think y'all will keep going steadily at your about-a-release-a-week pace?
CHIYO: Well I'm not sure actually. As you said, everybody is busy with school, and like, as you noticed, we try to release something every week (or a bit longer). But soon, when our second singles are finished, we'll be doing our very first concert. I'm not quite sure yet if it's going to be 2010 or 2011, it depends how long the groups take with the second single. But of course I hope to release it in 2010.
AYA: At first I was like 'Oh no, did it work out to about one a week?' So then I checked them all and yes! One release per week in August! Anyways- Concerts are so cool! I fail at keeping up with them all, but I love that the whole project in involved in them.
Did I mention that I love you for CClyrics and MP3 downloads? ;w; They seriously make my life easier and me so crazy happy. AND OMG how do you only have 19 subscribers?! I need to shamelessly plug Kiremeki a bunch or something. I've immensely enjoyed listening to y'all and shall continue to do so!
And.....I think I'm out of questions xD

We went on to talk about the concert more, and then Chiyo shared her lovely Kanashimi Twilight dub with me (I love this song), and then we fangirled over Ajisai of Hana and Risa of Momusu together. And right now I am talking to Ayaka of ShizenPro. I really like their Fly High dub that I just downloaded!!
Takahashi Ai: Caitlin [ bakapai ]
Tanaka Reina: Coco [ coconstorm ]
Shimizu Saki: Reika [ candyraver009 ]
Yajima Maimi: Chiyo [ xchiyochii ]
Maeda Yuuka: Yuns [ yuns217 ]
DESTINY LOVE by Kirameki Shuffles / CClyrics / I like the OPV! It's something different. BAKAPAI! I love this girl. I don't know her super well, but she's always been a sweetheart to me. And I can never ever get enough of her singing! Baka has a solid strong voice that's mature and super lovely. Beautiful really. She opens the dub awesomely!!
Coco is so cuuute!! I love how she really sings out, her emotion is fabulous and she's utterly adorable overall. She's a delight for your ears and I'm happy that she pops up in a lot of the dubs I listen to. The way the song is scripted, you only hear Ai/Reina on the main chorus melody. I like girls the most in the first half of the song, with Baka on the first two lines and Coco on the last two. I really like Bakapai's "ii no ka na"s and Coco's "DESTINY LOVE"s.
Chiyo is kickbutt! I think she's definitely improved -not that she was ever bad- she just sounds better and better every time I hear her. She seems to have more control over her voice now. Her 0:42 solo is wonderful, and her rap part towards the end is terrific, but I like her the most at 1:55! I love her on "atta kedo" ~ You hear Yuns so little in this, because of how H!P divved up solos. But what you do hear is fantastic and very kawaii! She pwned her solos.
For some reason, Reika's voice coming Saki looks so real *o* When it shows the live performance, the timing lines up perfectly! And Reika's emotion + Saki's expressions is epic. What I mean to say is that Reika totally rocks!!- with and without the visual of the OPV. My favorite from her is at 2:48! She's awesome on the rap part!! I especially love "ai de tsutsumitai Saiai no hanryo" solo+duet line that Chiyo partakes in.
--Overall I really love this!! The girls did a marvelous job! Kirameki released new dub recently, but I chose DESTINY LOVE over Hoshikuzu's Shouganai Yume Oibito because I honestly didn't want to write about Shou again, lol. And also cause I've been listening to this dub for a while since I have the mp3. But just for kicks, here y'all are;
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