Friday, August 13, 2010

Misc Solos (Requests)

I just finished backtracking through my shared vids (on my MO account) and deleted 100+ for the past few months. AH, I'm happy to have it cleaned up some! Makes keeping track of stuff so much easier. The ones left -40something- are dubs I either haven't looked at, or haven't blogged about yet.

Days like today it's hard to find the time, since I don't get out of work until late. But I'm happy with whatever I can get done!! I always try to catch up on stuff that people have sent my way when I can, and I've got a nice little build up of solo dubs, so I thought I'd devote this entry to writing about them!

*AyunaDaisuki ~ Ame no Furanai...? / OMG THIS SONG!!! ;w; Raaaaaabu. Is Ayuna singing over the song, or are there H!P harmonies included, or is she singing with herself? I think it might be the first former, idk for sure though. She blends well with whatever vocals I am hearing!! In the drop-down she asked that listeners overlook the minor things and focus on her; which is very easy to do!

Ayuna sound so so pretty and sweet!! Yeah sure, there are a few off notes, but whatev. This is beautiful regardless of the little oops' ~ I'm on like, my fourth eleventh listen or something now! I could listen to this song on repeat for hours. Better yet; a playlist of the dubs I've heard of it! Like Renna's, HanaPro's, this one, etc! Butyeah~ This is so sweet and enchanting! Ayuna did a swell job taking on the chinese, she sings the melodies in this song wonderfully, and has nice emotion!

And though my opinion on mixing isn't worth much (lol), it sounds fine to me. Really, she wins big in my book simply for song choice. That doesn't mean y'all should all jump up and dub this song though, hah. Slow songs don't suit everyone, but Ayuna sang this well and I for one think it's most certainly worth a listen! When dubbers put time into their own solos, they are always worth a couple of clicks!

*waterpixieva ~ Run Devil Run / After something so sweet, we need to heat things up a little; get that sugar to melt! And Eva is the deliciously adorable fire that'll do the job! She's an incredible singer and I always LOVE listening to her in the various group dubs she participates in. Solos are in a way even better, cause it's all her. Sometimes I have to make myself not talk about her too much when it's not a solo, lol.

I think this song will forever be popular. Mainly because it's one of the most smexy songs SNSD has ever done (Tell Me Your Wish is maybe the second). And this is a perfect song choice for Eva's vocals and talent! She really brings the attitude -with her own little kick of cuteness, like sweet cherries on dark chocolate- and delivers awesomely!

I adore every part of this dub, but the second I saw Eva's username I knew that my ears were in for epicness. It is pretty short, though not too short. And I love how she added in the bloopers at the end!! It goes to show that all of the amazing dubbers you hear; they have to re-do lines sometimes too! No one's perfect, my dears. But one thing is for sure- Eva is an addicting mix of kawaii and kickass!

*miyakochanx3 ~ Renai Circulation / OMFG CUTE! So so so adorable fjkqnfkjnefkj! "I hope I didn't ruin it for you guys" ?!?!? It's silly that the thought even crossed Miyako's mind! I could eat her right now, cause she's like...the vocal representation of the most scrumptious creme puff in existence, or something like that.

She's mellifluous! (Yay thesaurus! Definition; pleasant and/or soothing to listen to, and sweet or rich in tone). That is a excellent word to describe Miyako's marvelous singing! This is one of the cutest dubs ever!! It's been too long since I last listened to something from her, so I am very glad that she shared this with me! I strongly suggest y'all give this girl a listen if you haven't yet. And if the song isn't your cup of tea, try something else by her!

*Liz9419 ~ Live-Medley / One thing that I absolutely love about Lizzie, is that she totally throws herself into whatever she's singing. She may hit quite a few offish notes, and have some lyric tripups here 'n there, but she sings with passion and does it purely for the fun found in dubbing. I really like her mature sound and her amount of umph!

Yay for a complete oneshot recording! Listening to Liz's little bits of talking inbetween songs is cool. I also like how she picked different kinds of songs, and not super similar ones. I'm not a big fan of the slow AAA tune in the beginning, just cause the song itself doesn't appeal to me a ton. I like more upbeat songs by that group. But it's a splendid start! I like the chorus~

!!! I was so happy to see Nanchatte Renai on the list (most of y'all know how I love it, lol). Lizzie apologized about the job she did on it afterwards, but I think she sounds outstanding! It's one of my favorite parts of the medley. Namida no Iro turned out lovely, and out of C-ute's singles I think it's a song that suits very Liz well.

D'aw, I like her a lot on Gag 100kaibun too! Whereas the previous two songs were more...upbeat and mature ? this song is pure cuteness; so it's a change, but not a bad one. She has great energy and delivers well! I couldn't help but lol some while listening to Lizzie sing Otakebi Boy WAO- she's so growly and intense, she yells a little bit too much but puts a smile on your face.

My faves are definitely the 2nd and 3rd songs, but all of the parts of this medley are delightful. Overall, this is wonderful! I'm sorry that it took me a while to get around to all of these sensational dubs, but my happiness in having them shared with me easily outweighs that.

*ekichida ~ Ookii Hitomi / What is with all the freaking kawaii-ness of these solos?! *drowns in the cuteness* Also, many of them are no more than 1-2 minutes in length. But you won't find me complaining, they actually load faster which is a good thing for tonight. But back to Emi; UWAH she's utterly darling!!

I love the sound of her voice- she totally rocked this song! I'm not familiar with it, but it's very catchy and I like the melody. It's always fun to sing a song that you really like, and you can tell that Emi is enjoying herself. She has fabulous energy and overall turned out a spectacular dub!

You can barely tell that she sang over the already existing vocals! Though I do hear a little faint fuzzy-like sound when she sings, which I'm thinking is from her mic? It's not that noticable, and Emi's super sweet singing completely pushes it into the vortex of it-doesn't-matter. This is tremendous!!

--Whoa, note to self; don't put head down again, lol. I'm too likely to drift off and wake up at 6am with sore limbs from sleeping at the computer. I'm sleepy, but I want to at least finish this entry before I get off for the night. Sorry if my word count lessens, heh. Moving on!

*xMomoK ~ EVERYDAY Zekkouchou / This song can be tricky to sound energetic on. I've heard several groupdubs of it, and almost every time I want to say 'more energy' ! but really, because of the easy-going melodies, energy comes off sort of subtle. There aren't any really upbeat parts to be umphy on.

You can hear that Momo is singing with emotion, this song just has a way of...making energy seem less, if that makes sense. She is a tad pitchy throughout, but did a swell job overall. Ohmygosh, first full length dub of the entry! lol. In the drop-down section, Momo links her blog where she'll be providing some MP3s!! And y'all know I'm all for that! I wish her oodles of fun on her challenge!

*animefreakXDD ~ Arigatou ~Ookiku Kansha!~ / Marry me, Saya. I ADORE this song and haven't heard too many dubs of it; this is super sweet and totally kawaii !!! I'm glad that she took the time to record the four different parts, and I think she has a nice amount of energy. Sometimes on the group lines, notes vary slightly in key on the four parts and cause bits of discord when heard together. But those spots only niggle at your ears a little.

I really like Saya on the verses! Heck, I love her on all of the melodies of the song; the pre-chorus is lovely+cute and the chorus so bubbly & awesome! kjfnejkswfnjke I rabu rabu how she sounds in this!! All of the dubs thus far have been amazing, but hearing this song totally made my night.

This is the third part of Saya's solo event; "I decided to have a summer solo event, and I will try to upload a solo every 2 weeks. There is no set tracklist, so I'm just choosing songs I like..." This is by far my favorite of the three parts thus far. I think that this gal sounds fantastic!!

*adelutzah03 ~ Kimagure Princess / I think I need to download this. First off, because Ada was cool enough to include an MP3 dl link (YAY) and also cause this flat out rocks!! She has a gorgeous yet cute voice, strong lines, killer delivery, and epic emotion + umph! I am majorly digging her vocals, her sound is very ear-pleasing and I really like her on this song!

My brain is stalling because of how tired I am, so I'm no where near giving Ada the praise that she deserves for this dazzling dub. Just give it a listen for yourselves and you'll see how brilliant is it. She told me that she's been following this blog and that makes me crazy happy ;w; ILY'ALL.

I may end up talking about a few of these dubs more in depth- I'm not sure at the moment. But if I do, this will certainly be one of them, cause she asked me to, and also because I've talked about the other dubbers more than I ever recall blogging about Ada. Annnnd I'm off to bed now~

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