I have a special attachment to this particular concert part. It was the first group H!P one I ever saw (with more than one unit together), and I've always liked it a lot. (The same group sings Ookina ai... by C-ute right before this song, but I always liked this part better). I love the outfits and the colors!!
I hate Momoko in both songs, too kiddy ew. I loved Miyabi's outfit and singing before I knew who she was. My first thought of Risako was; fierce. I always thought Yurina was an adorable elf-earred girl. I didn't notice before, but Maasa is lovely and so energetic! I love Maimi's outfit and performance. Every girl caught my attention at one point, and even though I have my faves, I love'em all. But yeah, I'm glad to see this was picked for the vid! On to the dub~

Yuujou Junjou OH Seishun by Shizun! (ShizunPro) / OHMY Aiko has such a cute speaking voice!! Her funky pronunciation just makes her even more endearing! It was oodles of fun listening to her say everyone's names in the intro, and she has got THE CUTEST LAUGH! I also like her wolfy howl, and her "RRRAAR!" in the beginning. And her "Potatataetototetoeto!" LOL, priceless!
The title of Shizun's first single is Yuujou wa BOMBA! nanda. It has three tracks, the usual A & B, plus one more. This dub is their official debut!! "After many troubles, problems, covers, reminders, inactive stuffs...and after long time~...we are here to show everyone our friendship!" D'AW! I am so happy to see CClyrics, and I was surprised yet delighted when I saw that Shizun is using a blog to show lyrics.
Lizmon _____ Faemon
Kimon ______ Aimon*
Hannamon ___ Michimon
Laimon _____ Ayumon
Sayumon ___________
Miramon ___________
*Covered for Jumon
The concert doesn't start until 2:07, and the singing a few seconds later. These ladies sound magnificent in their groups, though I wish I could hear everyone together (other than the "HEY"s and whatnot). On the other hand, splitting into two groups probably makes mixing easier? This is 12 pokemon we're talking about, lol.
2:30 is Ash, she has a subtle energy, and though her "ki ni" is a tiny bit off she sounds real lovely. Following is Fae, who is 3 times better than Momoko is in this concert version. She blows her outta the water, sounding very cute; I especially like her "kaketeru" ~ Liz at 2:40, ohmygosh!! She is a perfect Saki, just in that she has a very similar strong mature voice. She delivers well; I'm loving her "kitto"
After her is Ayu; she's kind of quiet though definitely super sweet! LOL I never knew that Berryz was saying "You're my friends" but I saw it in the lyrics and suddenly it made sense. 2:51 is Pwnmon....who is this? Oh it's Rae! lol, what a pokemon name. Starting at 2:58 is a series of different mini-groups, each with their own line.
You can refer to the lyrics to see who sings in which group (note: Naomon did not participate in this dub, even though she's listed in three times in the lyrics). All of the groups sound marvelous! The chorus turned out very well in this overall. Ending it the first time around is Mira with her 3:12 solo- she's pitchy, but if you look past it she's kawaii and has splendid umph!
More G1 & G2 "OH OH OH..." lines before the next verse. 3:37 is Sayu, sounding as pretty as ever. Lai follows and she's darling! I really really like her solo! Michi's Maimi line at 3:46 is a tad iffy, but she's a cutie! Wow, Ai rocked her solo! She fun and adorable, I like her ending "ru" a lot. The rest of the dub is more mini-group lines and G1&G2 (all of which are awesome), with a few exceptions;
4:19 is Kimon, gaaah the cuteness. She has a clear voice and sounds super! After more singing, 4:50 is Hanna/Rae ~ the former has no solo, but you do get to hear her in this duet. They sound fabulous together, though I think I'm hearing one girl more than the other maybe? idk. The dub has a fantastic ending, and overall is fun to listen to! Everyone did a great job~
Nyaaaa U have no idea in how high paradise i am right now do you? O.O
and it raised me up~ ^~^
Thank you!
BTW. We DO sing together! Not in 'hey's only.. ^^ Last 'wow wow yuujou blabalbla WAO!' is by all , yeeeahh? ;3