*Chiidoki ~ OO Ganbaranakutemo ee nende! / D'AW the new S/mileage song is so cute! Well, I mostly like the verses. No, I love the verses!! The chorus is just okay. I understand that a good instrumental is probably hard to come by, so I get why the overall sound of the dub isn't as good as it could be, but music aside; Chii's singing is terrific!! I look forward to a full dub of this, with the vid hopefully~
*animefreakXDD ~ KISS OF BEACH / Whoa I am totally new to the group and song, but I quite like it! And Saya sounds so good!! She mentioned in the drop-down that she's a little pitchy, and she is a little here and there, but she's so fabulous in this dub that it's easy to overlook a few notes. The verses are marvelous, but I love the chorus!! Her energy is awesome and I love how sweet she sounds.
*TokyoStarx ~ Campus Life ~ Umarete Kite Yokatta / Miya is such a cutie! This is a great song for her, I really like her on the melodies in it. She hits all of the notes wonderfully and sounds awesome overall! I think her pitching has really improved. Plus she's got good energy and you can hear the smile in her voice. I'm glad that she had fun singing this!! I enjoyed listening immensely~
*waterpixieva ~ Sorry / gnmjkegnjkegn This is beautiful!! Eva is adorable & all on fun/cute/etc songs, but this kind of dub is my total favorite from her. I really like when she sings Korean songs; slower and upbeat. She's got an amazing voice, and sings so fantastically it's very professional sounding! This is a semi-short dub, but I love love love it. The chorus is my fave. Makes me wish there was more than a minute & a half to listen too. So totally worth a listen.
*luvsasuke ~ Nakimushi no hatsukoi / I like that by listening to different dubs I get to hear a lot of new songs; this one is pretty cool. Chii has a lovely voice and sounds really good!! I'm digging the harmonies, I don't think they are too loud at all! And her emotion is on the subtle side sometimes, but she certainly has it!
Chii had to lower the instrumental, but I like that she did. I've done it a few times myself, because I hate when I love a song but can't sing it in it's original (highish) key. This is very nice overall, I like her "I love you"s ~ she's a tiny bit pitchy in a few spots, very few though. The chorus is nice but I think I like her on the verses the most~
*menaaa0914 ~ Tomo / I've never heard this song!! When I saw that it's by Momusu I was like; What?! The main melody is darling!! AND OH MY GOSH, Sayumi pictures. Some of y'all know that I've recently fallen for Sayumi (and Maasa), so this pic slideshow is eyecandy for me. That reminds me, I still need to get some kind of photobook to put my lovely pictures in, including my Sayumi ones, mmmyes~
ANYWAYS! Menamenamena, I've always really liked her covers and this one is no exception. I adore her on the melodies!! This song is so light and catchy and 'la la la' like, lol. Mena is a fabulous singer, always delivering well and sounding awesome. LOL, I had no idea that the end of this dub was going to be 'la la la's. Mena did a snazztastic overall!! *listens to again*
*ReinaLoverai ~ Hare Hare Yukai / OHTHECUTENESS, Ai is so silly & adorable and sounds magnificent!! She's always fun and delightful to listen to, and this dub of hers is so bubbly & energetic! I love her on this song, and think she's a smashing singer. For some reason I really like her "wakuwaku" at 0:56. The chorus is total win, but I also adore her on the verses. Ai totally rocked this song!
*animeobsessed40 ~ Munasawagi Scarlet / Goodnessgracious I adore this song. I do like Berryz's latest songs the most, but I still enjoy their earlier stuff as well. I don't think oodles of people like this song, but I always have; idk why. Peachii is incredibly sweet 24/7, and I think she did a great job on this song! Her enery level could be a bit higher, but I really like how she sounds with herself.
Plus, I know how it can be when you're trying to sing with people in the house (I'm considering moving my computer into my room as soon as it's painted, just for more privacy); it can be hard to sound super energetic. This is swell, especially with it mostly being oneshotted. Congrats to her on surpassing 200 subs! (Note: Peachii and Saya's usernames are too similar, with the 'anime' part. I wrote the wrong name at first).
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