Tsugunaga Momoko - Mai (dblingchiu)
Natsuyaki Miyabi - me (Liz9419)
Suzuki Airi - Belly (Rasubelly)
co.no.mi.chi by Bûmu / I'm going to jump right into things! The beginning "Kono michi aruiteku yo" is nice, they tackled the high notes on "mo" and "awaseta toki" pretty well too. There is some slight pitchiness througout the dub, and their voices aren't always lined up when singing together. But I know this isn't a super easy song to sing, and probably not easy to mix either. I am impressed with how they did on the high notes, all three gals managed them with getting way too soft or going way off key. *EDIT* lol, in my tiredness, I mixed up the names, so sorry if this part of the entry flows funky.
I like the chorus a lot more than the verses, but the latter is the only time you get to hear solos. I'm not super familiar with Liz's singing (0:55), but I like her mature voice a lot. Her and Belly seem to be quite similar in tone and range. She delivers her lines well. Gah, Mai is mega kawaii (0:47)!! I know I've said it before, but she is! I last heard her in a Momusu dub, and I remember fangirling about her cuteness then too, lol. Bellychan! I'm most familiar with her (0:39), and I adore her to pieces!
I really like Belly as Airi, she's more mature than the role, but I think she does a really good job on her part, and as I watch her voice come out of Airi's mouth, it just works. The same with Mai and Liz, I really like both of them as their girls too. Oh I love the solos starting at 2:42! First is Belly, sounding fantastic! Mai is adorable, though a little off on her "mo" - and Liz is last but most certainly not least. Her "awaseta toki" is awesome! As I mentioned at the start; some minor timing and pitching issues, but the high notes are fantastic and the blending is lovely.

Takahashi Ai - Momo (MomoxMochi)
Niigaki Risa - Reiichel (MewRachel)
Tanaka Reina - Hanna (HannaPulla)
Kamei Eri - Karri (LittleKarri)
Michishige Sayumi - Mai (dblingchiu)
Kusumi Koharu - Kurichii (KuriDesu27)
Mitsui Aika - Natsumi (Konatalzumi124)
JunJun - me (Liz9419)
LinLin - Jessie (yessenia12)
Shouganai Yume Oibito by Night Musume / Pwsh, it's been a bit since I listened to Momo, but if this is her sick, then she's really good normally!! I'll have to pay attention for when she recovers, so I can hear her then. I think she did swell on all her solos! It sounds like it's a bit tricky to sing parts of this song on beat; a handful of lines were a bit iffy timing wise, but nothing really stuck out. The majority of the duets in this turned out nicely.
I love love Reiichel's voice!! It's beautiful. So smooth and mature. Her first solo is at 0:45 and it made me go; Wah?! And listen to it a few more times. So lovely. Karri's following solo at 0:53 is quite marvelous as well, not very long, but good! Oh, I like the Liz/Jes duet at 1:01 - they sound great together! They kind of waver between blending and slight dischord on the "de iru no ne" but I still like it.
1:28, I think I could pick out Hanna's voice in any dub. She has a very unique voice and sounds cute, but she also has a....unique way of singing? I don't know how to put it. She definitely has good energy and emotion. Oh wow, I love the Liz/Rei at 2:02!! Their blending is fantastic! Following is another amazingly lovely solo by Reiichel (2:09), before there's more awesome blending!! This time it's Kar/Jes, and I love it. Hana's following solo is actually really good!
Mai's "shouganai yume oibito" at 3:16 is crazy darling!! After Momo's 3:41 solo, which is wonderful, it's all chorus until the end. I know I didn't mention Natsumi or Kurichii, but neither had any solos and hardly any duets, except for at 2:38. But they contributed to other group parts and helped make this dub what it is overall. Nice job by everyone~
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