Wada Ayaka: BanryuSaint
Maeda Yuuka: Miyazuchan
Fukuda Kanon: MomoxMochi
Ogawa Saki: Rasubelly
Yume Miru 15sai by C/olorage (HoshiDubs) / One of the few dubs I've heard of this song, which I find kinda difficult to sing! It requires good high notes! Plus great energy & pronounciation, as well as a cute tone at the same time. C/olorage has a lot of strong points, especially: Kanon and Saki (Momo and Belly). I have to say I LOVED their performance a little bit more than Banryu and Miya's.
Anyways! The four of them are fantastic. Energy: always on top. Very good, it really gives us the sensation of listening to a SMLG song. Pitching; it's generally good! - I like the super high parts when they switch from belting to head voice, nice job everyone. Group parts; EPIC!!! Probably my favorite thing about this dub! Check out 1:46 - they sound very good together.
Mixing; nice job too. Maybe group parts are a little too loud in chorus parts? But I really really really enjoyed them. Solos; 0:22 (my favorite one in the whole dub). At 1:47 Miya gives us a lovely solo, we can hear her cute voice, nice high note! Congratulations to C/olorage on this wonderful release! *expecting for more!*

Kamei Eri (Whisper Solo) - Corsica [CorsicaConvington]
Yoshizawa Hitomi - Amaya [KawaiiStrawberry3]
Takahashi Ai - Mariko [www.YoProject.net]
Konno Asami - Carlos [AsunaSasaki]
Ogawa Makoto - Alison [AlisonWieczkowski]
Niigaki Risa - Chikako [TheMCgaki]
Fujimoto Miki - Beth [bibblebobble629]
Kamei Eri (Singing Solo) - Kassia [industrialxstrength]
Michishige Sayumi - Hanna [HannaPulla]
Tanaka Reina - Veri [everidian17]
Kusumi Koharu - Momoko [yoproject.net]
Iroppoi Jirettai groupdub (hosted by Asunasasaki) / First whipering was very unexpected! But I really love to hear different things, so I love both of them, specially Momo's one. Duet parts are very good! 0:59 with Amaya and Beth is my favorite one, nice blending and very good feeling. LOVED the Happy end story parts.
Let's move on to the first chorus: Blending is very good, pitching is good overall - I can hear some little voices that didn't hit the notes right, but that's understandable since it is a really hard melody to do. Mariko's 1:38 solo is my favorite one from the chorus part. Maybe do something about the mic?? but it's not a big deal, we could hear her lovely strong voice.
Second part duets are nice too, maybe a little bit more of Carlos voice could have been good. Loved the "dakishimete hanasanaide." Second chorus voices are a little bit too loud but still very enjoyable. Loved Beth's solo. My favorite solo so far until now! Let's go to 3:35, where there are oodles of solo parts - person by person - Mariko; nice, althoug first note wasn't right, very good the rest of it though. Amaya; very nice, a little bit too sweet for Yossie, but I love it.
Momoko; nice job, very Koha style. Kassia; L-O-V-E-L-Y. Veri; oh, I like this one. Maybe a little bit more cuteness needed, but still, excellent job. Chikako; WIN WIN WIN WIN! Mariko again; my favorite solo of this part. Last chorus is very well blended too, 3:51 Beth solo is my favorite one from the whole dub. Did I hear Carlos doing harmony in the last chorus? I love that one, really. *Favorites!*
~Aya here! Bumping in real quick, lol. Just wanted to point out that Hanna and Alison 's parts have no solos in this song (Sayumi & Ogawa), and it's always harder to comment on someone you don't get a chance to actually hear. There is nothing in this song that is sung by everyone, only a bunch of smaller groups, and both Hanna and Alison contributed to many of them. I listened to this as well, and I think it turned out pretty good. A lot of it kind of has this muted quality(?) to it. Maybe it's something to do with someone's mic, or a combo of mics? idk, but overall it's nice, everyone did a good job.

Koharu Kusumi : Kiwa
Kitahara Sayaka : Miwa
Kikkawa Yuu : Madigan
Tan tan taan by Sunny Way (Karaproject) / Oh I am very glad I could do the review for this dub, because Tan tan taan is my 2nd favorite song in the entire world. 0:25 solos: GREAT!!!!! - the three of them have cute voices, each one of them with their own style but very similar, which tells me that group parts are gonna be EPIC!
Kiwa's 0:40 solo is my favorite one from the first part, but Miwa's next solo is also lovely!! I also have to say that I love Madigan's high note on her solo. The chorus is good; nice energy and pitching overall. Maybe mixing-timing was a little messy?? Miwa's 1:45 solo is LOVE!!! pitching and feeling are very nice. The "don to kooi" is adorable!
Second chorus timing is not that good, so I can't hear their lovely voices very well. Energy in the "1-2 tan tan taan" parts are good. 3:21 is my favorite part of the dub. Kiwa's first solo: super cute! Miwa's solo: my favorite , favorite!- Madigan: extra lovely job!! "Niji no youni" parts are very good! Last chorus sounds better. Just watch out timing for the next one, but I still enjoyed this dub a lot!! Keep it up~
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