Sunday, June 13, 2010


Umeda Erika : Sayuri [ xmikipinkux ]
Arihara Kanna : Aoi [ chocolateblakberri ]

Tsuugaku Vector ☂ by Gangsta Boo (HanaProIndies) /Gah! I know a lot of people think I'm too nice, but I really mean what I say. So yeah; I get a little carried away fangirling sometimes, but it's cause I can't help myself! Kappa's singing RINGS MY BELL AND PUSHES MY RABU BUTTON. HARDCORE. Just in case any of y'all didn't know that. Ohmygravy (lol, Amazing Race, Cowboys), her first solo makes me brain all fkqnf fkjenk fkenfjk in a very very good way.

In this dub there are some harmonies that aren't by these two, and wow! Kappa and Aoi both sound great with them! It doesn't matter that they didn't do them; it goes to show how good they are at singing things spot on & sounding good with each other and others too! Even random H!P harmonies, lol. Epic win.

I am going to have to download this one. It's too good not to (which reminds me, I couldn't get freaking Seishun out of my head the other day *shot* You have not won Seishun, I still dislike you. It's just that Junran pwned your arse, so much that I can't resist). Anyways!! Aoi's first solo is right after Kappa's at 0:27, and Va-va-voom! The lyrics to this song may be pretty innocent/normal, but I think the melody of the verses is very....not sexy, but something close. Sultry-ish? (I'm probably the only one who thinks this, lol) It's gorgeous, and it + Aoi's crazy cute voice is like, indescribly fantastic.

0:35 is Kappa on the pre-chorus, which has a nice melody too; her "Fudan wa jitensha tsuugaku ka na" is fabulous, but really, her whole solo is great! I really like her on the quick syllables of 'Fudan wa' ~ following is Aoi (0:48), and flippin' A, do I love love her "MAAKU ame." She sounds spectacular! Only four syllables, but a whole lot of OHYES. Her "ruterutezuubo" is mega awesome as well!

Chorus at 1:01! Ah, now this I think suits the lyrics a lot, it's a very fun and pretty melody; one that these two lovely ladies sound totally wonderful on! They make a great duo, the blending is super ear pleasing. Ohmy. When I listen to music, like certain violin pieces or orchestra music, or even just songs / vocals that I instantly really like - I often get shivers or I get emotional.

LOL, that sounds so lame. Not like, I'm going to cry, emotional. Just like, omg omg omg omg juwndjk knekfn ;w; this is so good happy sappy feelings ness....if you know what I mean. And I sometimes get that with dubs that I really like. For example; Egao 9's Ame no Fuwhatever dub. I LOVE that song to beautiful little bits, especially the chinese version. So that, on top of the fact that I completely adore the Hana girls, makes that a very special dub to me. Thus you can assume that I get all....what I said before, lol.

Anyways! Where I'm going with this whole ramble is; that's how this dub is making me feel. It's just that good. So I am most definitely downloading it and adding it to my favorite dubs. *cough* Back to where I left off ~ all of the solos in the chorus, occurring inbetween the duet parts, are brilliant. jjkfen! Like Aoi's "chau no" at 1:26, amazing!! And Kappa's "peki da shi" around 1:29-ish; totally love it.

D'AW, their little 'whoo' sound before the next verse is so cute! And speaking of, 1:50 is where the next verse starts up, followed by the pre-chorus at 2:04. The girls have one solo on each of the parts, and all of them are excellent! I especially like Kappa's "kawatteru, ruterutezuubo" at 2:20. Then we have more wonderfully sung chorus; the last two part of the song! I adore it all, especially Aoi's "you ni" at 2:58ish and 3:58ish - they're crazy lovely magnificent!!

All of the "Tsuugaku BEKUTORU"s in this are awesome, including the one they end with! This duo pretty much rocks this song, there isn't one line that I don't love - only those that I like a little more than others; this whole dub is just pwn pwn pwn. Tremendous job Kappa and Aoi!

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