Do it! Now by Lucy [CherryxJuice] / Energy! Emotion! Heckyes; Lucy sounds spectacular! She's so strong in this solo! I kind of wish it were a longer concert version, since it's over far too soon. She's just so BAM, spot on and brilliantly gung-ho! Her enthusiasm is endearing and brings a smile to your face.
I love the passion she sings with, her lines are so well delivered. Her rap is intense and totally made of win. LUCY PAAWA! It's one of my favorite parts. Congrats to her on 250 subs, and I'm sure all of her viewers love this just as much as I do! What a great 'thank you' dub. Thanks for sharing with me Lucy~

Zoey [MS Gen.1] (as Mano Erina)
Celia [MS Gen.4] (as Hello Kitty)
Love & Peace = Paradise by Zoey ft. Celia (Milky Star) / The "PA PA PA...RU RU RU...RA RA RA" whole part in the beginning is freaking kawaii! Ohh, so this is a duet. But it's refered to the way it is because Zoey is a soloist, so it's her plus Celia. At first I wasn't sure if it just meant that Celia sang harmonies or something, but I get it now. These girls sound SO good together; Zoey is the louder of the two, but their blending is cute+lovely.
The first verse is at 0:40 and I totally love it. Not much to comment on individually, since it's one big duet part. I like them on "Subarashii koto nanda to" ~ 1:09 is the pre-chorus, which is also sung by both girls. The ending "no Sei" is pretty, and right after that is more chorus! The melody is so bright and fun, one that Zoey and Celia sound darling on!
1:52 is Zoey's first solo! Ohgosh I love her voice. She sounds SO good, delivers well and sings with great emotion! I like her "Maegami giri sugi" though her whole solo is wonderful. 2:06 is Celia, nkjn kjnkjr she's so cute! I love all of her solo, so it's hard to pick out what I like the most, her first line "Taiiku no jikan Bacchiri SHUUTO kimatta!" is terrific! I really like her 'jikan' ~ both of the girls do a really good job on the higher notes.
The following pre-chorus, they each get a solo time and also duet a little bit. I adore their "tachi no Sei" ~ chorus time again at 2:34, it sounds awesome each and every time! Actually, all that's left in the song is chorus. Except you get to hear them both solo on it! Celia at 3:02 and 3:12, UWAH, she defines adorable on her "RU RU RU" and "RA RA RA"s! Zoey at 3:07 and 3:14, both of her solos sound smashing! It's all too good to quote only part of it.
And then the two join together for one last round of the chorus. I'm not a huge fan of Mano or of this song, and I actually don't see many dubs of her songs at all, but I think Zoey and Celia did a fantastic job on it!!

Shimizu Saki - Lizzie (liz9419)
Tsugunaga Momoko - Lucy (CherryxJuice)
Ah Merry-go-round / I don't think I've ever actually heard this song fully through. Lucy's opening speaking part is...long, lol. And very good! I always like hearing speaking parts as well as singing, because it shows that the dubber can not only sing in Japanese but speak it well too, and Lucy sounds totally natural. Her first line is at 0:36, and I like the last part, "maigo ni natta mitai" ~ I hear a harmony part along with her lovely singing and I don't know if it's by Liz.
0:50 is Liz, and Lucy is right; she does make an awesome Saki! I like her "Doko ni demo iru" ~ She's got such a mature and strong voice. 1:08 to 1:34 = PAWAA! The girls sing with energy and emotion on the pre-chorus, maybe Lucy a little bit more so than Liz, but both of them sound marvelous! Yay! First chorus at 1:35, I think their "Merry-go-round"s turned out rather swell! The chorus is actually really short, wow.
There is some light pitchiness throughout, but nothing crazy bad; though it seems the higher / louder parts are sometimes pitchier than others. This song is basically the same thing over and over, and with a lot of solos. I like the way this duet sounds on the all the parts of the song sounds, though I think I like the chorus most. It's a tie between it and the pre-chorus.
At 3:37 I really like Liz and then Lucy's following solo. Yay for solos with little backing music! One last chorus finishes off the dub. I like I like their Nanchuu....YOU KNOW? dub more, but that might be cause I adore that song, lol. They both did a terrific job on this!

"Because everybody has currently an obsession with this song..." Chiyo [xChiyoChii] is holding auditions for a groupdub of Momoiro Clover's Ikuze! Kaito Shoujo, and I must say; I LOVE this song!! The rules, audition form, and a list of the open spots in the drop down section of the video.
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