Solos in order of hearance:
Eunmi-chan / Lunar-chan / Nao-chi
Sakura Chirari by S-exy (LuckyChansuProject) / I really like this dub, but 'Solos in order of hearance' is not good for me. I get too confused. *like, 30 minutes later* kjfenswfjke! I talked to Kappa a little bit, but before and after that I was studying the CClyrics on projecthello, trying to match up who was singing when and I finally got annoyed and gave up.
I've listened to them all enough that I can tell their voices apart fairly well, but not always enough to know for sure who's singing when. And also, some of the duets in this song are sung as solos, and that screws with my head when I try to figure out things by solo. Anyways!! Going from the first three solos and whatever else I can pick out - Eunmi has the first solo at 0:15, and oh boy, do I really like it!! She has a mega lovely voice and sings very well. I like her the most as Maimi, I think she suits her.
Lunar follows & ejkfnewf fkjewfne!! She has such a cute / pretty / adorable voice! Gah, she makes a fabulous Airi and delivers all of her solos wonderfully! See; 0:43 is usually a duet, but Nao has it as a solo - she sings the most passively out of the trio, I'd like to hear her with more umph! She's sweet but sometimes kind of soft, though she does have some spots when she sounds real cute.
There are some duets here and there, though I haven't looked / listened enough to see if there is a system to when they occur. These girls blend well together, on the duets and also on the "Sakura Chirari" parts. Someone commented on the volume level of the group parts, and I have to agree. The result of all three girls combined, with not enough changing of the volume levels, causes a sort of a 'weird buzzy sound' - but it's not terrible, just kind of...there.
The energy level is pretty good, maybe a bit more would be cool. Everyone sang with pretty good emotion too. Even if I do get confused, I do really like this. I listened to it a few times last night before I was too tired and had to go to sleep (hence, why I am writing about it today instead, lol). I think this is worth a listen!

Wada Ayaka - Moka [animeobsessed40]
Maeda Yuuka - Yuna [lovesora27]
Fukuda Kanon - Yume [leafsoul4Gone]
Ogawa Saki - Utau [o0sweetsunshine0o]
Suki-Chan by iCHiGOheaRt (Tsubaki Project) / CClyrics / Such a cute song! Getting right into things, 0:20 is Yuna, and she starts the dub off wonderfully! Utau follows; she's too soft and passive sounding, more umph! and her "narabete" is sung a little slow (and off keyish), making her timing towards the end of her solo offish. 0:26 is Yume, who sounds good, quite cute. And at 0:29 is Moka, even though she's a tad quiet, her line is adorable!
The next line-set in the first verse, as well as the pre-chorus are both sort of the same as the first line-set; not bad, but nothing really caught my attention (0:32 to 0:54). Utau and Moka could use some more umph! in their parts overall. And the emotion / energy (from them and others as well) sort of seems to go up and down, it's not constant throughout the dub. They both had some more-energetic lines and then the ones that were less so.
The chorus is adorable!! My favorite part of the song, hands down; the energy is up, the girls sound really cute when they sing together, and I like them all on the melody here. I really like the little repeated words and "Yey"s - they're kawaii! Some spots weren't sang on beat and so the timing is a tiny bit funky here and there, but it's only minor. The chanted "Suki-chan"s are pretty snazzy, I think they turned out fairly well. A cute dub, this is~
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