Saturday, June 5, 2010


Takahashi Ai : Natsumi [KonataIzumi124]
Niigaki Risa : Usagii [Usagii1996]
Kamei Eri : Kiro [Iaukiro]
Michishige Sayumi : Mystery [xLittleMystery]
Tanaka Reina : Mai [dblingchiu]
Kusumi Koharu : Dee [cinnabun101]
Mitsui Aika : Kuri [KuriDesu27]
Jun Jun : Hanna [yascun94]
Lin Lin : NCK [NCKamo]

Onna ni Sachi Are by Ohayou Musume (HonkiProject) / Dee starts the dub off well, though I don't know if it's her mic? but it seems like her lines could sound clearer. Natsumi follows at 0:32, and I really like her. Maybe a sinch more umph! would be cool, but she sounds good. Kuri at 0:38, I remember her from Take It Easy, and I think she her cuteness is more bareable in this dub; cute but not too cute.

0:50 and the next few lines after sound a little off-time- the duet doesn't flow very well and the part after sounds a bit rushed? Something. 1:03 is just funky; there is some dischord there. Mai is adorable at 1:12, but she could use more energy. Sometimes not all of the lines, er, line up together. Could be individual people's timing or due to mixing, idk. There is some pitchiness and wrong notes here and there throughout the dub, but nothing awful.

Usagii at 1:49, lovely voice and nice line, but could use more PAWAA, more umph! Skipping over a lot of the chorus and such, at 3:24 is Kiro - her solo is small so it's hard to form an opinon of her, especially since it's her only one, but I like what I hear. Hanna at 3:30, who sounds good but not very enthusiastic. And then NCK follows; a nice mature voice, but pitchy. Omg, Mystery doesn't get one solo in this!! Well I've her her before and I know she contributed to this dub as a whole!

Overall, everyone needs to sing with more ENAJII! This is a song about guys and stupidness and 'someday happiness will come' kind of thing. Even if you don't relate to the song, just pretend you do so you can sing out those "BAKA ne BAKA ne BAKA ne"s and sing all passionate and have fun with the "Aa"s. Lol, I'm rambling. This was nice, but could have been better. Practice makes progress! I give them all props for 'taking a whack at' this. (And I mean that in a good way!)

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