Peachii actually sent me the project's latest dubs back on Sunday, but I was trying to catch up with the stuff from the previous week, so I pushed my Shared Vids to the back burner. But since they've been waiting they are currently on the front burner in front of my subscriptions list. Moving right on!!

Sugaya Risako: Yumi (SugoiiYumiChan)
Natsuyaki Miyabi: Sootie (sootjenl)
Tsugunaga Momoko: Peachii (animeobsessed40)
Kumai Yurina: Kitty (missgumbiecat)
Sudou Maasa: Logan (thebananayes) *COVER!*
Tokunaga Chinami: Chi (HanaChiiru)
Shimizu Saki: Sera-chan (myster0taku) *COVER!*
Jiriri Kiteru by Blueberryz Kobo / So many cute/pretty voices!! Props to Sera and Logan for lending a hand and covering. I really totally love the group parts; the way everyone sounds together is awesome! The energy level of this dub is fabulous, and even if I don't care for the song much, I adore the dubbers and listening to their version.
The majority of the solos in this song are short/small and most of them are Rii, Miya and Momoko parts; which makes it hard to comment on all individuals. The verses go; solo, solo, duet, solo, solo, duet, solo, duet. The solos in 0:37 to 0:46 are Yumi, Chi, Peachii, Sootie - and all are great!
The whole first verse was wonderful!! Also, the 0:56 duet is Sootie and Yumi, and I love it, they make a good duo! I don't know which of the two sang the slightly higher notes towards the end, on "DAME da yo" but it was epic!
Once the chorus starts in, it breaks up into two groups. One is Sera, Chi, Logan, & Kitty. lol, I have to say that when I first heard a male voice I was a little wtf? But these four sound good together, they're well balanced. The other group is Peachii, Sootie and Yumi - fantastic! This trio blends so well! I liked the chorus' ending "JIRIRI KITERU."
This dub is Chi (was lele01kj - now HanaChiiru) 's debut! She only gets one solo, as Chinami (lol, Chi and Chi), at about 1:40, but it's a lovely 1-2 seconds. I really liked Sera-chan's solo, at 1:46. She's a great singer. Logan and Kitty sounded marvelous as well! And another set of wonderful-sounding duets, I adore the blending. Peachii's longer solos could have used more energy/umph! As AsunaSasaki commented, she sounds a little bored at times.
Overall this dub sounds really good. As always, there are little things that can be picked at, but I like the cast a lot and think everyone did a fantastic job. Pitching was pretty darn good, so maybe just work on singing with even more energy!

I chose to blab about Jiriri Kiteru because A) it was the first released, first sent to me and so it was the first I listened to, lol. And B) now that I look at the second dub I wouldn't have chosen it because it's one of those unfairly divided C-ute songs (even if it's a catchy song).
Umeda Erika: Meche (lilxicanita)
Yajima Maimi: Sera-chan (mystery0taku) *COVER*
Arihara Kanna: Yumi (SugoiiYumichan)
Nakajima Saki: Peachii (animeobsessed40)
Suzuki Airi: Raii (HanonHoshoAquaPearl)
Okai Chisato: Mariah (SailorSednaPGSM)
Hagiwara Mai: Moni (rcb2418)
Tokaikko Junjou by C-herryz / OH EM GEE. Sera and Raii blew my mind. Hardcore. I freaking loved Sera's speaking part (and singing too) and Raii sounds amazing!! fjkqbwfjkebfhebfhbewh. It sucks that the lines are unfair, but I can't help but completely love this dub.
Moni and Peachii get a few solos, and I think they are kind of soft. They're both lacking in energy and volume, especially compared to the main soloists in this. I adore their sweet/cute voices, but I'd like to get more from their solos, to hear more. Try and work on putting more energy and umph! into lines. But on a positive note, they do blend well as a duo.
Throughout the song there are different little groups, and one of them is Meche, Sera, Mariah and Yumi. They sing back and forth between solos at 1:08 and they sound flipping awesome! The blending is spectacular, I love how they sound together. I really think Raii pwned Airi and this song. A very enjoyable listen.

And lastly, Generation 3 auditions are open!
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