For some reason, probably due to it in part, I was super tired when I got home yesterday and could barely keep my eyes open. I kept putting my head on my arms on my computer desk and would, embarrassingly enough, end up dozing and drooling, lol. I went into the living room for something, sat down and my sister woke me up hours later. That's why I didn't get much of anything done, but I am really going to focus these next few days!!
Okay, with that out of the way (what a way to start an entry, lol), since there hasn't been on in a while, it's MINI INTERVIEW TIME! Awai and I exchanged a few comments, and she nicely requested to be interviewed, so here we go~

AYA: *When did your project first start?* I see the date listed on the profile, but is it accurate? Have you gone through any data loss or had to start over with a new account due to some YT lameness?
AWAI: "The project started on July 5th 2009. I haven't had to re-make an account or anything so the date on the profile is accurate. I have deleted a few dubs on purpose though,because we don't have separate groups for our project anymore."
AYA: *Where did the idea come from?* Just a random thought? A friend's idea? A funny conversation? Did it take some consideration, or was it a; Let's DO IT, kind of thing. Did it take a lot of time to get going?
AWAI: "I guess you could say that it did take a lot of consideration from me because I had been a member of a lot of projects that became inactive, and I wanted to start a project that would do well, but I didn't want to do it alone. I got a Co-Leader to join me because we had a lot in common and both wanted to start a project.
It took about 2 weeks preparation for it to get going. Chikako (the Co-Leader at the time) and I thought of the project name and the other groups names over those 2 weeks. Once we uploaded the gen 1 audition video it got going pretty well! I deleted the video since then but I do think we got plenty of auditions."
AYA: *Who are/is the leader(s) and/or sub-leader?*
AWAI: "Well this project used to have 2 leaders; Chikako(TheMCgaki) and me (madleybloomingstar). But after about 3 months of doing well, Chikako became inactive and so did the project for awhile. Chikako kinda left and now it's just me, the leader, and our new Sub-Leader Ami (amiswami2)."
AYA: *What would you say is the goal of your project;* Are you set on making progress as a group, or is your main goal to just have fun? Somewhere inbetween?
AWAI: "The goal of PA-FE Kyuuto is definitely to improve as a group and to become a very close family! I want us to all get along well and to talk to each other and not just hand lines in and go. I don't strive to become as big as Hana Project or anything, but I would like us to be known for really great dubs, have good comments on our videos, and a good amount of subscribers."
AYA: Anything interesting you'd like to add?
AWAI: "Those that support our project, Arigatou! And to those that don't know who we are, please give us a chance!! Auditions are open, we want REALLY ACTIVE members!! And also look out for our 3rd Single OTOKO NO KO! Track 1 is Roman My Dear Boy and track 2 is Ryuusei Boy!! Track 1 will probably be up by this Thursday (today)! And this summer look out for out first concert. PA-FE Kyuuto 2010 KIRAMEKI SWEETZ Summer Concert!"
AYA: Any questions for me?
AWAI: "How do you keep up with all the dubbing groups on YouTube? XD And do you ever dub?"
AYA: lol, well it's definitely something that keeps me busy. Until recently, I just worked off my subs list on my main account (MiriuOniaya) and took PMs and shared vids. Now I have two more accounts to help me organize things;
Blabodu (YT) is where I have subscribed to all of the projects I currently watch, and where I will subscribe to any others I discover. As I've mentioned, YT only stores 100 videos at a time, and with projects, dubbers and whatever else I am subscribed to on my main, things easily get pushed off before I see them. When I want an update on what's been recently released from projects, I sign into Blabodu and check my subs list. The other account, BlaboduNP, deals with non-project things, mostly solos. And it serves the same purpose.
As for dubbing, now and then some friends and I will joke around in skype or msn. I don't have a mic right now, but I do have my camera. A handful of days ago, Izumi, Risa and I were recording & sharing back and forth; though they recorded more than me, lol. Rae, Aly and Rakkun sing for me all the time (ILY'ALL) and once I get off my lazy butt and get a mic, it'd be mega cool to join them. I sing a lot for my own fun, and when I record something I like, I usually share it with them.
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