I'm finally feeling a little bit more caught up, though I have a few more entries I'd like to get done tonight; we'll see. Amazing Race is on at eight, so that'll take an hour of my time. And after that I'll try and blog until I go to bed. So for now, onwards!

Dear My Teacher Participating members~
Team H: Panchii, Yume, Julia, Armi, Kappa, Menchi
Team R: Toki, Serenyty
Ex Members: Haruna, Nana, Kary (recorded vocals before graduation)
The second track of HirariYO's first Mini Album, Mou Ichido; Dear My Teacher. I love this song!! I've always liked how they have the lines echoed by groups of girls in the chorus, the "Kiss me baby" parts and such. I'm honestly not focused enough to fully cover this dub, but I do think it's superb!
Yes, there are some pitching problems. I've listened to this quite a lot, and I think it's mainly the same 2-3 people. So if you know who you are; pitch needs work. But as for everything else, I love it all! The group parts are great, the blending is magnificent! Keep the good dubs coming, HYO!
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