After Kerri contacted me, I asked her for some info and here are her replies to what I asked. A big thank you to her for taking the time to write out wonderfully informative and interesting answers!
AYA: *Obviously your project is new, but when did it officially begin?*
KERRI: "It officially began when it basically started, about 1/2 weeks ago."
AYA: *Where did you get the idea from?*
KERRI: "The idea for Hanabi! Project came after I dubbed my first single for Wakusei! (Nanchatte Renai), and even though I was still new to fandubbing in a singing group, I told my sister that I was going to make my own group,
"because singing is actually something that makes me happy right now, so if I could make a group that was my own, then I would be happier and hopefully make those in my group happy as well as make them work hard."
AYA: *I see no audition video up, did y'all figure out the first generation without auditions? Do you plan on holding auditions for more generations?*
KERRI: "The first generation are actually a few girls from Wakusei! Project who I am really close with, and they each have really nice voices. I asked them all in a PM if they wanted to be a part of my group and they said yes. . . .
"My original intention was to have an audition video up, but then I thought it would be nicer to have a group already made. . . .the girls were very quick with their lines, which made me happy, and it's their dedication which I want in this project. . . .
"I do plan on future generations, I actually have an audition video made already. I have decided that after our second single's A-side is released, the audition video will be released (soon after). . . .for generation 2, which will be the Sunlight Auditions, and Generation 2 will be dubbed as Sunlight Generation."
AYA: *What would you say is the goal of your project;* Are you set on making progress as a group, or is your main goal to just have fun? Somewhere inbetween?
KERRI: ". . . .my goal is to make people happy, primarily the people within the group. My first group Wakusei! is like a family, I was really REALLY lucky to get into it, and I wanted to have a family like group that was friendly and fun,
"so my main aim is to have fun and make people SEE that we are a dedicated group who have fun as well as a strong connection with each other, because my first gen are like my sisters, and hopefully future generations will also be like sisters to me. . . ."
AYA: *Anything interesting you'd like to add?*
KERRI: "Well my group members (and I). . . .have like, respective roles within the group. Peachii is our little Princess, Sootie is our old man who gives us virtual candy, & me and My-chan are like the evil step-sisters in Cinderella, because we were being mean to Sootie on the forums and she dubbed us as Portia and Joy, which I think is great, and Rii is like a prince Charming to me, I like, love her voice!"
AYA: *Any questions for me?*
KERRI: "What inspired you to write your blog? And how did you find fandubbing?"
AYA: When I was working on my other two blogs, Rae (SingingOnDemand) suggested I start a dubbing blog. I'm not sure where she got the idea from, but I liked it so I decided to just do it! I like to write, and I always liked to leave long comments on dubs, plus I have good organizing skills (at least I like to think so, lol); so I figured I'd be able to pull it off.
I discovered fandubbing shortly after I first discovered Asian music itself. I'd always been interested, but had a crappy computer/internet connection which YouTube hated, so I couldn't load videos (well I could, but it took like an hour to load one minute or something). Around June of last year I had a somewhat better internet and began looking into the amazing world of Asian music, mainly Japanese at first.
I listened to some jrock which I wasn't insanely into, before I somehow stumbled across H!P - I think my first might have been Piriri to Yukou by Berryz Koubou, but I'm not positive. After fastly becoming a H!P fangirl, I don't remember exactly how but I discovered that people actually recorded themselves and put it with the video, and other people listened and commented; it was this whole world that tons of people interacted in.
And that was how I was introduced to dubbing. Somewhere along the way I met Rae and thought she was so cool and all-knowing. When really she hadn't been dubbing for all that long, lol. Through her I met other dubbers and discovered different projects. Now she is a leader of her own group in Hana Project, one of the best dubbing groups; and I have Blabodu and all my wonderful supporters/friends.
OMG I RAMBLED ;w; [/end crazy-long interview]
Yeay for the mini interview xD
ReplyDeleteKerri-chan and I stole sootie's candy and she didn't like that =3
Thanks for writing about Hanabi Pro =D