Saturday, April 10, 2010

New project!! Hello Club just released the A-side to their debut single, Loving Coffee, this past Friday. H!C's plan is to "cover Hello!Project songs according to H!P's timeline. Basically, we will start covering only Morning Musume and then create Tanpopo, Melon Kinenbi, etc."

So even though they are beginning with one generation made up of only five girls, their numbers will eventually grow as more Gens and groups are added/formed. H!C's first group is called Melody Musume. As I mentioned in the RCR entry, I think doing it this way is a great idea! Fun and challenging, and who knows; maybe some members will discover new songs along the way.

Abe Natsumi - Raiko [mirailai]
Iida Kaori - Michiru [hitsugayahinamori]
Nakazawa Yuko - Kokoro [coconstorm]
Fukuda Asuka - Midori [midoriiw]
Ishiguro Aya - Aiko [aikoaki]

A few off parts, but overall this was a very good debut for Melody Musume! I know singing the harmonies may not be tons of fun, but I think they really make the song, and they sounded great! The blending on group parts was lovely.

I am looking forward to Ai no Tane so badly. Even though Momusu has gone through so many Gens and releases, I've always liked their debut single a lot. Ai no Tane & Morning Coffee are simple songs, but pretty. So I shall definitely be keeping an eye out! For those interested, H!C actually has a full list of their coming singles on their forum.

Annnnnd~ Hello! Stage recently released their third Shuffle dub!

Sugaya Risako - Reika [ candyraver009 ]
Michishige Sayumi - Chiyo [ xchiyochii ]
JunJun - Jess [ lilmenchi ]

Audio Mixing: Jess
PV Mixing : Chiyo

ONLY YOU / Reika nailed and rocked her lines! Chiyo sounds different, lower than usual; but not bad. Close to being pitchy. Gah, she hurt herself on vacation; feel better Chiyo!! Jess sounds cute, but should sing with a little more umph! The small group parts were wonderful, like at 0:52.

Beginning solo by Reika was awesome! Chiyo sounded good at 2:14, probably the line I liked the most. And 1:58 was Jess, I really liked her little "Come on" at the end of her solo; it was peppy. Their "silence"s sounded great! And I adored the "Only Only Only"s at the end of the song! Chiyo's little "Last time" was cute~

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