So even though they are beginning with one generation made up of only five girls, their numbers will eventually grow as more Gens and groups are added/formed. H!C's first group is called Melody Musume. As I mentioned in the RCR entry, I think doing it this way is a great idea! Fun and challenging, and who knows; maybe some members will discover new songs along the way.
Abe Natsumi - Raiko [mirailai]
Iida Kaori - Michiru [hitsugayahinamori]
Nakazawa Yuko - Kokoro [coconstorm]
Fukuda Asuka - Midori [midoriiw]
Ishiguro Aya - Aiko [aikoaki]
A few off parts, but overall this was a very good debut for Melody Musume! I know singing the harmonies may not be tons of fun, but I think they really make the song, and they sounded great! The blending on group parts was lovely.
I am looking forward to Ai no Tane so badly. Even though Momusu has gone through so many Gens and releases, I've always liked their debut single a lot. Ai no Tane & Morning Coffee are simple songs, but pretty. So I shall definitely be keeping an eye out! For those interested, H!C actually has a full list of their coming singles on their forum.

Annnnnd~ Hello! Stage recently released their third Shuffle dub!
Sugaya Risako - Reika [ candyraver009 ]
Michishige Sayumi - Chiyo [ xchiyochii ]
JunJun - Jess [ lilmenchi ]
Audio Mixing: Jess
PV Mixing : Chiyo
ONLY YOU / Reika nailed and rocked her lines! Chiyo sounds different, lower than usual; but not bad. Close to being pitchy. Gah, she hurt herself on vacation; feel better Chiyo!! Jess sounds cute, but should sing with a little more umph! The small group parts were wonderful, like at 0:52.
Beginning solo by Reika was awesome! Chiyo sounded good at 2:14, probably the line I liked the most. And 1:58 was Jess, I really liked her little "Come on" at the end of her solo; it was peppy. Their "silence"s sounded great! And I adored the "Only Only Only"s at the end of the song! Chiyo's little "Last time" was cute~
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