Takahashi: Manon (Fuyumipopo)
Michishige/Niigaki: TokiDokiHaato
Reina: BakaPai
Kamei: Eririn (CharmyStar01)
Aika: Manami (Manami1992)
LinLin: Lilmenchi
JunJun: LilRae (TalentlessLoser)
Kusumi: Ange (froghaterk)
Onna Ni Sachi Are by Morning Pimps (hosted by BakaPai) / Ohhhh! I love this. Everyone sounds so good! I don't really have anything to say, lol. Just that I think this is fabulous and y'all should totally have a listen!! These girls did a wonderful job on this song~ (haha yes! Baka just put up the MP3)

Kusumi Koharu - Okie [DivaDagger]
Mai Hagiwara - Sayuri [Lilacsilk28]
Futari wa NS / This is so pretty/sweet. Both Okie and Sayuri sound adorably lovely. Their voices blend so well together, I really liked the chorus! They also did well on their solos, and all of the high notes were great too!

Karu (lovablexkarupin) - Ai, Eri, last Sayumi "ah"
Chii (luvsasuke) - Reina, Risa, first two Sayumi "ah"
Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai /ohemgee. This is really good! I remember not caring for this song when it first came out, and now I love it. So freaking catchy, and these two sound fantastic singing it!! jgwjkgbnwrgjkn I'm new to Karu, least I think so. Totally going to check her out.
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