Monday, April 5, 2010

If I keep busy, I can fend off the sleepiness. UWAH~

The poll is over! And as you may have noticed, I already went ahead and changed the Featured dubs from some of the less recent faves to the more recent faves! When I went to bed last night I think there was less than 6 hours left on the poll, but I wanted it to finish. Not to have me finish it, lol.

How many dubbing groups are you currently active in?
That was the question, and 35 wonderful people took the time to click an option. I think it was blaringly obvious that the last option was mainly tacked on there for me, but someone else chose it too; I am not alone!

When I added the 10+ option, I wasn't quite sure if it was too crazy a number. And I guess not! Four people clicked it, sharing the information that they are very busy bees. How could you be active in 10 groups and not be? Wow. A step above in votes was the 3-5 option, and only one person said that they were not active in any dubbing groups at the moment.

The two most popular choices were 1-2 (thirteen votes) and 6-9 (nine votes). I think that makes sense. Some people only have time for a few projects while others have time on their hands; some choose to only be active in a few groups while others happily join several of them. And there is the possibly that some are busy running their own project. Plus, ugh at school and work, eh? *nodnod*

For the new poll I really wanted to add an option that I could pick, but in the end I didn't. So no poll clicking for Ayachii this time, lol. Anyways! I have enough time for a little bit of dub sharing, so here we go~

Ama no Jaku / Amai (IroKokoroProject)

Maeda Yuuka- Amaranth [FaraBANG]
Ogawa Saki- Amber [bibblebobble629]
Wada Ayaka- Celeste [CocoNStorm]
Fukuda Kanon- Pearl [MewKiyoko]

I was super tempted to fully cover this, but I did Gag by IKP not too long ago (and I've been putting it off for a few days cause I'm too tired/busy). And so I just had to give this some love. This is, in my opinion, probably the best dub of this song I've ever heard. I downloaded it in a heartbeat and I've listened to it several times since then. I love love love it. The blending is beyond epic. This shows how spectacular a project IKP is.

Gomen ne Jewel / SKR48 (HanaProject)

I love how HanaP always keep'em coming. Oh what? Keeps what coming? Dubs. One wonderful dub after another. It's like I have something new to look forward to from them almost every day. And SKR48 has been really active lately! I completely adore the chorus of this song. It's beautiful, and the girls sound great!!

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